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as they walked along

the streets, Adelaide couldn't help but look at Regulus amusedly. He was so tense, whenever someone brushed against his arm he'd look back at them in alert. Hesitantly, she held his hand, giving it a squeeze to help reassure him. The boy smiled back at her.

They entered a clothing shop, Adelaide scanning through the racks while Regulus stared at the place. There was some music in the background from a muggle band singing the word 'help'. Like in the Wizardwear stores he's been in, the store divided itself with female aparrel on one side and the male on the other side. There weren't any elves to accommodate the customers, like what he was accustomed to, but muggles.

He held his suitcase tightly, maneuvering himself to where Adelaide was standing. She was scanning through the racks with a bunch of clothes hanging on her left arm.

"Need help?" He offered, the girl smiled brightly at him as she nodded. They exchanged what they've been carrying, Regulus with the pile of clothes and Adelaide took his suitcase.

When they finished shopping, they called out a cab to take them to King's Cross.

"Open up the suitcase, I don't want to carry these for long." Regulus said once the both of them got situated in the cab.

Adelaide nodded along, opening it up. It was hollow like how she'd imagine it to be. She turned to the driver before whispering to Regulus, "what about the muggle?"

"I'll obliviate him right after. This is necessary." He said. Adelaide scowled at him but nonetheless nodded her head. After putting the bag in the deep case, Regulus took out his wand, discreetly muttering the spell and flicking it to the direction of the driver. "This would be easier if we'd just apparate."

Adelaide rolled her eyes, "just keep quiet you tosser, we don't want to obliviate him a second time."

The remainder of the ride was quiet, to stop them from disclosing any more information.

By the time they arrived at the station, Adelaide tipped the driver generously. It was the least she could do after they've obliviated him.

"Y'know I could obliviate him again as if we weren't in his cab. It could've saved you some money." Regulus suggested once they got out.

Adelaide gave him a pointed look, "no, Regulus."

The boy only rolled his eyes in reply as they both started walking. It was the first time Regulus actually took notice of the whole place. It felt weird having to go to King's Cross for a reason that wasn't Hogwarts.

He watched the muggles reading through a paper where the pictures weren't moving. Regulus found it boring and didn't know how they could read it. He always liked watching the moving pictures in the papers. He'd turn back to it whenever he read the Daily Prophet.

"So," he said once they got in line for the tickets, "where are you taking me?"

"Since we have a week, I already told you we'll make a few stops before Glasgow." Adelaide paused for a while to think. "What about Doncaster? I heard there's this lovely castle there that we can visit."

"Sure," Regulus replied.

The travel was uneventful for the both of them since they took this time to catch up on some sleep, Adelaide resting her head on Regulus's shoulders and his were on top of the side of her head.

Regulus was the first to wake up. The voice in the train announcing that they have just arrived at Retford. He moved his shoulders lightly, causing the girl to stir awake.

"Are we there yet?" She yawned.

"Almost," he answered. "We just passed Retford." He then pointed to the route map on the wall.

The girl only nodded in reply, still sleepy.

Regulus wasn't really one to talk. He was always the quiet one compared to Sirius, whose laugh could be heard from a mile away and could pretty much click with anyone with a heartbeat. But there was something itching his mind. It's been bugging him for a while.

"Why Glasgow?" He asked. The girl turned her head swiftly to him, mumbling a 'what' as she rubbed her eyes. "Why Glasgow? From all the beautiful places in the U.K. why Glasgow?"

Adelaide frowned a bit, it made Regulus wonder if what he said was wrong.

She turned to look at him. Ocean blue eyes staring into his, he could almost feel himself get lost into it. She sighed

"Do you remember Miles Bentley?" She asked.

The boy nodded in answer, "the Ravenclaw chaser."

She hummed in affirmation. "He also happens to be a muggleborn."

Regulus eyes widened, "is he?"

"Dead? Yes. A week after graduation actually. They ambushed him while he was on his way home from the Ministry. He had an interview that day." She sighed, "I never got the chance to go to his funeral. His parents were furious with the Wizard Community, me and Drew weren't an exception. They kept going on and on about how much wizards were a menace to society. Sometimes I find myself believing it. Miles he---he was just a boy, you know? He was only seventeen.

After that a few Aurors went to their house to obliviate them about the whole wizard community." Adelaide then turned her gaze to the window, not wanting for Regulus to see a single tear leave her eyes.

"He's buried there now. Back in Hogwarts he would always go on and on about these muggle landmarks. It was also his idea to go Backpacking with me and Drew. We never really got to go. I tried asking Drew but he said he didn't want to anymore." She felt a tear slip out, she wiped it away quickly.

"Oh," was all Regulus could say.

"Now arriving Doncaster" the voice announced.

"Let's go!" Adelaide exclaimed, a smile now replacing her sad expression. Regulus only looked at her questioningly but nonetheless followed her lead.

james read the letter

in disbelief. He turned to Sirius who was deep in thought as he stared at the fire in the living room of the Potter Manor.

"What do you think this could possibly mean?" He asked gesturing towards the piece of parchment.

"This could only mean two things," Sirius started. "One this could be a trap."

"Highly likely."

"Or two, my brother is having doubts with the whole Death Eater ordeal and is now going on a suicide mission that will likely lead to his young demise." He uttered worriedly.

"It's probably the first one, we don't know how much your family managed to leech on him." James ssuggested.

"But what if it is the second one?" Sirius shot back.

James watched his friend worriedly tap his fingers on the arms of the chair he was sitting on. He did this a lot when he was anxious.

James sighed in defeat, "fine." Sirius's smiled widely at that, it made the bespectacled boy smile in return. "What do you suggest we do?"

"Adelaide Taylor," Sirius answered.

James cringed, "Sirius no, I'm married."

"No you wanker!" He shouted. "I meant we need to go visit her. If anyone has even the slightest idea where he is it's probably her."

"Should we tell Moony?"

Sirius shook his head. "Remus is already stressed enough as is with the full moon in two days. It's best we keep this a secret for now."

James nodded. "To Grimmauld Place then?"

"To Grimmauld place."

The two bodies apparated away, leaving the room empty.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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