The Evil Man

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"... Why am I here?" Urushihara asked once he awoke. He was tired and bruised. His bones broken, but not more than his spirit. He had been under this wicked humans control for about two weeks. Ever since he captured him.

"Why does it matter to you, fallen angel?" Olba asked.

"Because I don't want to be here! I want to go!" Urushihara shouted from the top of his lungs. He really didn't want to be anywhere. He hated everything. He hated being tortured by Olba, he hated the outside, he hated people, he hated Heaven, he hated Ente Isla, he just- he wished he was never scammed so he could go back to living with Maou and Ashiya... he missed everyone! He missed Maou, he missed Ashiya, he missed Chiho, he missed Suzuno, he missed Emi! He wanted to go home!

"Where? Back to your friends? Ha! They hate you! They don't care about you! They just see you as a mistake! You're just some menace to them! They will never care about you at all! Go ahead, try and go back to them!" He unlocked Urushihara's chains that were keeping him on the ground. "They will only bring you right back to me."

Urushihara sat there. On the ground. As if the chains were never moved. He did not even try to get up. Not only dod it hurt like hell to move, because of all the broken ribs, broken wrists, fractured spine, fractured skull, bruised... everything... but also because he thought Olba was right. He would not be welcome at Devils Castle. He would only be thrown out. And Olba would find him again. And he'll be right back here. He might as well spare himself the humiliation.

Olba smirked. He knew he won.

"Ha ha ha... smart boy." He locked Urushihara with the chain again. And started todays beating.

After several whippings, beatings, and tortures, injections with various poisons, and cuttings, the final ceremony began. It was punishment for betraying him. All of this was. A punishment for Lucifer's betrayal.

But this was the finale. There would be no more after this.

Because Lucifer would be dead.

They- Olba and his friends- tied Lucifer's limp body to a giant cross. They intended to burn him. Lucifer was too weak to protest. Emotionally and physically weak.

He hadn't eaten since leaving Devil's Castle.

He had been beaten for nearly two weeks straight.

Not to mention he hasn't slept in two weeks at all either.

He was too weak. Olba had won. He had no will to live anymore. He just wanted this to be over.

The burning started. Lucifer could feel his skin being burnt to a crisp. His clothes and skin in flames. He could not help but scream. Try to blow away the flames. But he could not. There was too much. This was all too much for the fallen angel to take. He was going to die. This was the end of it all. He couldn't help but start crying again.

Tears rolling down his face. Splashing on the fire. He was crying. Crying for the fact he was painfully being burned and it hurt like hell, or that he would never get to tell Maou, Ashiya, Emi, Chiho, and Suzuno how much he regret his actions? Probably both.

But then- just as he felt himself suffocating from his lungs exposure to smoke, and his coughing and sobs were too much, and he was going to faint from lack of air—-


"... Hero?"

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