The last straw

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"You useless NEET!" Ashiya screamed at the fallen angel. He had just about enough of Urushihara's intolerable behavior. It wouldn't be so bad if he at least acted respectful, polite, or like he cared at all! He just acted rude, insensible, apathetic, childish, and like a downright disgrace to the Demon Army! "How could you do this! You should know better than to purchase ridiculous amount of useless garbage! A disgrace! You have not just made a mistake, but single-handedly proven again that the biggest mistake at all was allowing you to live here!!" Ashiya shouted, his eyes razor sharp and expression filled with nothing but rage.

Urushihara yet again acted as though he didn't care for a word Ashiya said.

Not letting on to how much his self-esteem plummeted with every word Ashiya spoke.

Maou burst in through the door. Coming home from his shift at MgRonalds. "What is going on here?! Ashiya, what's with all the shouting!"

"This is, my lord!" He pulled out a bill that showed all the purchases Urushihara had been scammed into buying.

Maou was now angry. That was never good. "U R U S H I H A R A..!!!" He screamed. And Urushihara knew he was in for it.


"I- I- I got pressured-..." Urushihara tried to mumble out a response.

"How could you be so thoughtless?! Do you have any idea what we will have to go through right now!!" Ashiya screamed at him, pacing around the room.

"YOU NEED TO LEARN HOW TO THINK OF OTHER PEOPLE BESIDES YOURSELF!!" Maou shouted, looking almost like the Devil King again. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!"

"I- I'm-..."

"PLEASE JUST DON'T EVEN LOOK AT ME OR MAOU-SAMA!" Ashiya ordered, Urushihara looked down at the ground. "At least you can do that properly..."

Urushihara bit his lip, knowing nothing he said could get him out of this punishment.

"I... I don't know what to say, Urushihara... This is the last straw. I don't want to see or hear from you ever again. I don't even want to know you're here. Understand?" Maou pulled Urushihara by his collar, lifting him up off the ground. Once Urushihara nods, Maou throws him into the wall of their one-room apartment.

Urushihara collapses into the wall, leaving cracks and dents in it as sawdust lands on his scrawny shoulders. He looked up at Maou and Ashiya, who only continued to spread rude insults his was. "He's such a weak little thing... Practically useless now."

"I hate him. My Demonic Highness, why do we still keep him around?" Ashiya asked, grabbing the boxes of things Urushihara was scammed into buying, and carrying them out of the apartment.

"You know, Ashiya, I don't know." Maou stated. "... I don't want him here." And that completely crushed whatever self-esteem or self-worth Urushihara had left. He curled into a little ball, and tried his hardest not to cry.

What happened next was a blur. He remembers Maou calling the girls over to help him with this mess once more. The girls threw insults at him too, which he did not have the strength to deny. The only one who seemed to even remotely hold back when seeing how weak and broken he had become was Emi. She did not see the point in kicking someone when they were already down.

But, nevertheless, Urushihara hid in his box until nightfall. The girls had left, and Maou and Ashiya had gone to sleep. Everything had gotten sorted out and the boxes of useless crap were no longer crowding their living space. He crawled out of the box, and muttered, "... I won't be a burden to you any longer... goodbye..." Urushihara grabbed the baseball cap Maou had given him for going to the public baths, and ran outside. Walking down the stairs and into the city.

"... I'm sorry..." Is all he said as he cried, the tears running down his face under the midnight sky. He felt so alone. But, he supposed he was alone. Maou didn't want him. Ashiya didn't not want him. Chiho and Suzuno thought he was a useless leech. Emi wants him dead. They all did. He was an unwanted leech that should have died. "... I'm on my own now. I won't bother any of you ever again..."

He sobbed and sobbed, until eventually finding an alleyway, and hiding out there. His sobs unheard. Hiding alone.

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