Chapter 9

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A/N: soooooo my bad. I said I was gonna update this months ago and I never did. I actually have like 4 new chapters written, but I never got around to editing them which is why I never posted them. But I think I'll just start posting chapters whenever I feel like writing them without worrying about them being perfect because realistically I probably won't go back and edit every single chapter. This is a bizarre fan fiction that I'm writing purely for memes and good times, so idk why I feel the need to take it seriously lol. Maybe someday I'll go back and make the chapters better, but for now I should just focus on telling this weird story because for some reason you guys seem to like it! So without further ado, here is a chapter I wrote like 2 months ago!

Kyle's body ached with stiffness as his hiding place bumped along the endless dirt path. He didn't dare move a muscle for fear of being discovered. The thick air was growing increasingly warm, and Kyle felt an unnerving sense of suffocation as each breath became more stifling than the last. The fabric on top of the cart he was hiding on provided little airflow. Kyle felt a bead of sweat trickle down his neck as he was pulled farther and farther into Xadia.

Part of Kyle longed to peek out from the cart to see what mysterious wonders he would behold in the legendary land of elves and dragons, but the stronger side of him kept him in place for fear of being caught either by a stern soldier or a bloodthirsty beast. He shuddered to think what Amaya would say if she found out he'd followed her. But he had no choice. He was convinced that something bad was going to happen to her on this mission, and he had to do all that he could to prevent it.

"We're here."

Kyle recognized the commanding voice of king Harrow as his safe haven rolled to a stop. He heard the sound of many soldiers dismounting their horses and marching away. Their voices became gradually more distant and Kyle's cart did not move again. Kyle counted 30 slow seconds in his head before mustering up the courage to lift a corner of the fabric covering him and observe his surroundings. The only people he could see were about 50 feet away surrounding what looked like a pile of rocks. No one was looking in his direction. He waited another few seconds. Nothing. In a burst of courage, Kyle uncovered himself, stumbled off the cart, and darted behind a large boulder. His heart raced as he frantically looked around to see if anyone had spotted him. He sighed in relief. He was alone.

He peeked over the top of the rock. He was surrounded by dark, ashy colored stones, and directly ahead of him was what appeared to be a cliff leading into a river of lava. Kyle's eyes widened as he took in his surroundings. He'd never seen anything like this in the Horde or in Katolis. He flinched as a loud cracking sound rang through the air. Kyle looked over at his comrades to see that Amaya and another woman Kyle didn't recognize had scaled the hill of stones and were hammering a stake into a particular boulder. Kyle watched in awe as an orange glowing substance began to leak from the breaking stone. Just as Amaya was about to strike again, the ground shook violently, and Kyle fell to his knees. A sound like a furious demon erupted, and Kyle quickly covered his ears. He squeezed his eyes shut as he waited for the noise to dissipate. After several seconds, he got back up on his shaky legs and peered over his protective boulder. Amaya was retreating, and the mound of rocks had morphed into a gigantic, terrifying beast. Kyle's heart sank. This was the monster he'd seen in his vision. The large, stony body, the lava-filled eyes, the way the earth trembled with each step it took.

The battlefield had turned into a frenzy. Soldiers were desperately trying to escape the titan's wrath as it fumed in anger and searched for the one who had hammered into its chest. Fear rushed through Kyle's as he recalled the sight of Amaya's broken body flying through the air and collapsing to the ground with a sickening thud. His heart pounded as he saw his mentor charging at the beast with nothing but a spear and unwavering determination. Urgency invaded Kyle's mind, and he leapt over his rock and sprinted faster than he'd ever run in his life to catch up with her. With a stitch forming in his side, he barely managed to reach out and grab Amaya's sleeve. She whipped around to confront him, and her eyes filled with confusion and then horror. Without wasting a moment, she firmly grabbed him by the arm and dragged him with her as she ran back to safety.

"No, wait!" Kyle screamed as he struggled to get her attention, "You don't understand! You have to retreat or you'll die!"

Amaya didn't look at him, and her grip didn't waver as she roughly pushed him behind the cart on which he had hitched a ride into Xadia. She glared at him with her stern, commanding eyes.

"Stay safe," she signed.

She was already turning around to head back into battle, but Kyle grabbed her hand.

"Wait!" he yelled, "You'll die if you try to fight that!"

"But you don't have to," Amaya responded, "Run."

Without another word, she charged back into battle. Terror raged throughout Kyle's entire body as he immediately ran after her. Soldiers were trying to shoot large arrows from trebuchets at the titan as others threw their spears at its chest and face, but to no avail. The beast roared louder and had already destroyed half of the small army's weapons. Kyle ran up behind the monster as it was facing Amaya and Queen Sarai. He had no plan of action except to protect Amaya at all costs. Even if it meant taking her place. He locked eyes with her. Despair filled her face once again as she desperately signed "no!"

Kyle ran towards her beside the titan, but before he could get even halfway, he felt himself flying backwards. His lungs deflated as the giant arm of the beast struck him in the chest and sent him hurtling towards the edge of the cliff. He felt himself falling, but there was nothing to grab onto. His eyes watered as his lungs searched for air. He watched helplessly as the beast struck Amaya with brutal force and sent her crashing into the unforgiving rocks. He felt his own body impact the stony ground as he met the earth and rolled uncontrollably towards the edge of the cliff. He tried desperately to stop himself, but he soon felt himself falling again. The river of lava menacingly met his gaze as he tumbled towards it. Tears streamed from Kyle's eyes as he remembered the image of Amaya's lifeless body that had replayed in his mind so many times. But this time, it was real. He'd failed.

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