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Hey people! Wow I literally haven't touched this story since OCTOBER???? I'm trash. Sorry, I got really busy with my youtube channel and kinda neglected this story for a while. But over the past few days, I've been really inspired and I've been working on this a lot! So don't worry, I'll post (and make videos on) new parts eventually! But for now, enjoy this little excerpt from the next chapter that was a draft on wattpad that I completely forgot I wrote! It's literally just 2 unedited paragraphs of nonsense, but I though some of it was kinda funny, so enjoy! Oh, and here's a hint for the next installment: 🦋

The persistent throbbing of Kyle's spine reminded him of getting thrown onto a pile of his fellow soldiers back in the Horde. He gritted his teeth as the rocky path jostled the cart and caused his back to grind against the wood. Stowing away on cart wasn't Kyle's ideal method of traveling into Xadia, but hiding underneath various weapons and supplies was the only way he could think of to come on the mission. If Amaya discovered his presence, she'd send him back to Katolis in a heartbeat. She always protected him, but now it was Kyle's turn to protect her. Being a small, scrawny teenager who always got destroyed in his training sessions, there wasn't much he could do against whatever beast he would face. Despite the dire odds, the memory of Amaya's broken body lying lifeless on the ground overrode all logic. He knew it was incredibly stupid, but he had to do something. Even if he could take her place somehow and Amaya could go home safe, it'd be worth it. 

A shiver ran down Kyle's spine, unrelated to his back injuries. The stuffiness of the cart seemed to be heating up exponentially. A bead of sweat trickled down his face, but his hands felt cold and clammy. Despite his best efforts to put on a brave face, Kyle knew he was no warrior. Trying to keep the fear out of his mind was like trying to patch up a leaky boat with a wet shirt. He squeezed his eyes shut as terror coursed through his veins. What was he thinking? Last time he impulsively ran into battle, he died. Kyle shuddered. He rubbed the dark blue fabric of his shirt between his fingers and tried to focus on anything rather than his impending doom. He thought of Adora and Bow and Catra... What would they be doing right now? Probably still fighting back and forth without ever making any real progress. With a sigh, Kyle remembered learning day after day that the war was still ongoing, and he'd have to fight yet another battle. He wondered if the others were as exhausted as he was. 

HAHAH "Trying to keep the fear out of his mind was like trying to patch up a leaky boat with a wet shirt" I have zero memory of ever writing that XD I'm totally using that in the edited version! Anyway, see y'all soon!

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