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Honestly, how could this have been expected? 

 "I'M TOO THICC!" was one of the many things being said as Kuroo tried his best to pull Bo out of the baby swing that he just HAD to sit in. "YES, WE KNOW YOU'RE A THICCIE, BO!", before an 'oof' and a thud on the ground could be heard. 


They were they like this?


          Back at their apartment, Akaashi and Kenma just wanted peace and quiet. It was too loud. TOO loud. Not in the sense of shouting and loud thudding every five minutes or so, but more like chaotic schemes and pranks that did more harm to the victim than anything. Akaashi had to go to the ER as a result, but that's a cookie for a different glass of milk. It was the ripe hour of 9 AM and the two could already hear the dangerous voices of the duo, planning out something that they didn't want to experience. "Kenma, let's go to the park, hm? Maybe a picnic.", Akaashi suggested, just wanting to get out of the building before anything bad happened. Kenma looked up from his phone, staring at Akaashi for a solid 30 seconds before shrugging. He also wanted to get out of the place. "Sure.", Kenma slowly got up, stretching his arms and back. Loud pops erupted from his joints, making Kenma sigh in constant back pain[me too] Akaashi cringed inwardly, but got up as well to prepare quick sandwiches and a small jug of iced tea.

         After a quiet patter of footsteps sounded from behind Akaashi, a couple of Caprisuns flopped unceremoniously into the basket. 

"Fruit punch? Get Strawberry Kiwi, coward." 

         With the basket all ready and Kenma's phone being fully charged, they headed out to a close park that had a small playground and settled in a nice, shaded patch of grass. "It's nice out today, don't you think?", Akaashi smiled, opening his book. "We both know why we're out here, or is your reason not what I assume it is?", Kenma tweeted out that he successfully avoided death today, quickly piling up comments on it. Akaashi, in turn, took a bite out of a sandwich he threw together, exhaling deeply through his nose. "Yeah, I didn't feel like breaking anything again in the near future.", Akaashi replied, taking a sip of the iced tea. Kenma nodded in agreement, putting down his phone to grab a bag of chips. As they leanded against the nearby trees, all their problems seemed to float away with the occasional breeze. Eventually, they packed up and had to go back, ready to face whatever had been set up. Less than enthusiastically, Akaashi opened the door cautiously, ready to endure whatever was going to happen. But, surprisingly, nothing did. The two sighed with relief, opening the door to accommodate them. When they walked into the main room, Akaashi and Kenma saw Bokuto and Kuroo on the couch, groaning. 

         "Where were you guysssssss?", Bokuto whined, slowly sliding onto the floor. Akaashi sighed heavily. "We were out. What have you guys done?", he leaned on one leg and crossed his arms. The basket was put into Kenma's hands, where he put the few dishes in the sink, threw out the trash and put the basket in it's respectable spot in the closet before tottering to his beanbag in the corner of the room. "Nothingggggg... You might have to go shopping again soon thoughhh.", Bokuto drawled out tiredly, prompting Akaashi to whip his head toward the now-empty closet. "I-I- you guys.. I just went shopping yesterday!", Akaashi trembled, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't get my paycheck until next Friday. Until then, we're out." Kenma sighed sadly, mourning the loss of his precious PAW-sitively Delicious cat paw gummies. Kuroo also shot up, crumbs all over his face. "But... My Honey Butter Chips!", He wailed. [IYKYK :/] Akaashi grumbled. "You'll just have to wait.", He huffed, turning on his heel and walking away to his room. 


         A couple days after the incident, Bokuto and Kuroo left the apartment. 

'oh no'

         Akaashi quickly trailed after, is what I'd like to say was happening, but Kenma had to buy his soft serve. When they stopped, they found the two at a fairly public park, but oddly, no one was there. The two went on the swings, went down the slides, and romped around the playground. Then, Bokuto had the great idea to go on the baby swings. Kuroo only encouraged him, holding the swing in place as Bokuto forced his leg into the tiny hole. 

' oh you dumbasses...'

         Bokuto finally got in, the swing around his muscular thighs. The two cheered, raising their arms up and taking pictures to post later. Kuroo urged him out, because he wanted a turn too. Bokuto laughed, trying to pull his leg out. Akaashi and Kenma stared in disapproval as they watched Bokuto struggle and Kuroo try and help. The baby swing was stuck on Bokuto's leg as they tried to yank it off. "I'M TOO THICC!", they heard him wail. Kenma quickly took pictures, trying to hold in laughter as Akaashi stared in awe at their stupidity. Finally, after roughly 10 minutes of grunting and Kenma shaking with internal laughter, Bokuto finally got out, falling over onto Kuroo. 


Akaashi watched as they began to waddle home, still in wonder at their massive stupidity.

'huh..? what..? how? why? hm.'

Kenma and Akaashi started home as well, the sun close to setting. 


          Honestly, Akaashi and Kenma had become accustomed to this. Stupid things that happened everyday that inconvenienced someone or something.  Their lives were dull and mundane before they met their roommates. Everyday was filled with chaos, which definitely wore them out, but it was better than being stuck at a desk job with even more back pain and headaches than they need. Others may say yikes or something along those lines, but Akaashi would never admit it, but he wouldn't want it any other way... 



He takes it back. Somewhat.


hey hey hey. it's me. I haven't made any impulsive decisions yet other than bleaching my hair, uhmm- 

honestly, that back pain junk was me just complaining, lol. I have a shit posture and i'm in it for 6+ hours a day, so life's good. 

We gucci here in RI, still alive and healthy, as you all should be as well. 

I'll personally kill you if anyone dies smh

okay bye bye

word count: 1088 words

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