words >:3

4 1 0


-Fudge sticks


-Holy marcel





-Maxi pad




-Itty bitty titty committee

-If ur under 8 go do something else

-I like apples

-But not oranges

-Or the color orange

-I'm gonna keep going till I have like 1000 words...

-I dont know if I have enough patience for that

-did u know the humans butthole can stretch out to 8 inches in diameter

-i like to pretend I'm a troll and my room is my cave

-during the happy little virus of 2020 all I have done is reread all my naruto fanfics

-yes all of them

-thats just over one hundred words

-some of them are actually kinda not that bad(the naruto fanfics)

-I like the taste the rainbow add

-my favorite candy is starburst even though skittles are pretty damn good aswell

-i dont think getting to one thousand words should be that hard

-ive only been doing this for like 5 minutes

-who here plays minecraft

-if u said 'I do' to the thing above, what is the coolest thing about it

- I like the update for cats in minecraft, cats are cute

-have you ever tried to fit your entire hand in your mouth

-two hundred words... I'm so good at this.

-im just stalling for when my pizza rolls are done cooking

-speaking of food,what's your favorite

-I dont like punctuation, but I do like commas

-who here drinks an unhealthy amount of tea

-I do

-i dont know why I'm doing the weird dash thing befor all of these


-when was the last time u slept

-u better have slept within the last 18 hours or I will go momma bear on yo ass

-i dont remember if I wrote this out but, is anyone actually reading this

-hey look! Is that the three hundred words mark???

-Oh fuk I think it is

-or it was...

-I like talking to you... I think...

-have u ever seen a new born

-babies are disgusting when first born

-my foods done cooking

-I should probably go get it out of the oven.............

- nah

-whats ur favorite pass time

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