【 10 】

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"--The fact that that child's life hasn't been...tampered due to your jealousy is the only thing that surprises me in this situation."

"Oh me?! I wouldn't hurt a fly! Why would I physically hurt anything, let alone a human?" She feigned innocence, resting her chin on her palm as she flipped through the book, "Oh my, why would you assume such a thing from me?"

"Maybe because you're not as nice as you like to let on or maybe because yo--"


The (H/C)-ette was happily planting new seeds for the season as small bits of her conversation with one of her fellow mystery popped up from the day before. Her smiley self soon replaced with a ticked-off expression as she cursed to herself while aggressively trying to plant. Though it soon was subsided, her thoughts were cut off by a screaming blonde running into the shed.

"What the-" she stopped her actions and floated toward the closed door, knocking on it 3 times, "-Sir I'd like to inform you that that is not a bathroom."

"I know that!! Are the bees gone?!" the familiar voice frantically asked, sounding like he was still out of breath from his little run. She looked around, turning her head to see a swarm of bees in her peripheral and sighed.

Poking her head through the door, "Oh it just you, Kou-san. You know you can just buy honey right?"

The boy nervously laughed and scratched the back of his neck, "I-It's not like that. I'm just helping someone with their unfinished business-"

"I don't think you're going to help while you're inside there," She chuckled then checked to see if the blonde's current threat was still near, "-Seems like the bees left, you can come out now."

The shed door opened, revealing the tall blonde figure that let out a sigh of relief. Not even a second after she pushed him out of the garden, "Now find that ghost friend of yours, and if you need anything I'll be near."

He nodded and jogged back to wherever he came from, waving to her, "Thanks (Y/N)."


Letting out another sigh, she discreetly followed the two boys into the building and eavesdropped on their conversation, feeling somewhat apathetic of what was said. Her eyes scanned her hiding place, seeing something floating that had caught her attention, Hanako's Hakujoudai. The wisp floated to her palms as they both continued to listen in.

Her attention caught, when a third voice was heard from them. Peeking out from her hiding spot, her eyes widening to see a brunette with a similar appearance to her significant other's.

"Hanako?" Kou said out loud, scanning the boy's appearance to see that it wasn't a match. The brunette effortlessly walked passed the blonde and to the pink-haired...boy? and patting him on the shoulder.

"Trying to move on...without a word to me-" He happily said as he grabbed the boy's torn scarf to pull him closer, "-we can't have that."

"Wh-What the hell are you doing!!?" The blonde yelled, looking at the pink-haired boy with a hole through his chest then leaped to attacked the brunette. Unfazed the boy swerved out the way and slammed Kou's face to a wall.

【 Ghost of The Garden 】 ↣ 【 Hanako-kun x Reader 】Where stories live. Discover now