I Don't Love You ~ Loki

25 1 1

Word Count: 2,808

Pairing: Loki x Reader

Summary: The reader decides to confess her love to Loki and he lies about his true feelings.

A/N: So at first it's angst then it gets fluffy. I hope you like it and don't hesitate to comment. Likes and reblogs are appreciated too. Thank you for reading!

He did not talk much. Not that he would talk to her. He did not know her after all. However, she would love to know him she thought back then. The god showed up rather surprisingly. Much to his brother's delight, who believed him to be dead, like he did too many times already. No one knew exactly how long he would be staying on Earth. He did not mention the reason for his sudden appearance. She believed it was because he was lonely. He didn't have anyone except his brother after all. Not that he would ever admit missing him, though.

So now he was gracing, like the god of mischief said himself, the Avengers with his presence. Of course, his appearance hasn't gone unnoticed, since what happened last time he showed up back in 2012. Most of the team didn't like him hanging around the Avengers' facility. But they simply could not push him away. They all cared too much about Thor to do so. Loki was his only family. So they put up with the prince.

She didn't really mind him. The young woman was just a kid when he first showed up on Earth. Of course, that didn't mean she didn't hold him responsible for what he did. Loki caused a lot of pain. But she believed there was something to love underneath all that anger. Why? She didn't know him after all. But she knew Thor and she knew her friend wouldn't love anyone as dearly as he loved Loki if he didn't see anything in him. Something that perhaps not all could see.

[Name] was really curious about that something. But getting the god of mischief to open up was tricky. At first, their conversations were limited to missions and everyday occurrences. However, thanks to the amount of time [Name] spent with Thor, his younger brother started getting more familiar with her. She couldn't recall exactly when they started having their own jokes and such. But wasn't it the case in every friendship? It happened slowly but steadily. No questions asked, no pressure. Just two people enjoying each other's company.

[Name] saw pretty quickly that only a few could see in Loki and she got caught up in it. It was getting harder to differentiate what appeared to be love over friendship. He found his way to her heart easily but that was without ever knowing. She thought about telling him. Before the game, she was playing got too dangerous. She knew that even rejection would never erase the place he held in her heart. She would do as he wished she thought. Which would be staying friends of course. She kept her feelings to herself all this time. She should be able to keep them to herself even after he broke her heart. Right?

So the hardest part was now to tell him. At this point, she already wrote it all down and started learning it by heart. She even practiced on Thor. But she knew she would never be able to tell all of this to Loki. She was too scared. She was scared of scaring him, mainly. She wasn't scared of rejection anymore. It was simply the fear of pushing him away that made her nervous.

Loki wasn't really someone to talk about his feelings. Even considering [Name] as a close friend he rarely ever did so with her. She tried many times to let him know she was always there to listen and that he didn't have to keep everything inside. But guess it wasn't in his nature to share these things. She couldn't blame him. This was clearly the result of a troubled relationship with his family from a very young age. She hoped, however, that she was able to show him a bit of warmth and that he felt somehow at home.

Loki noticed. She cared a lot about him, to his surprise. He stopped counting the times she made him smile with her little acts of affection. [Name] was never someone to show affection by great gestures, it was all in the small things she did, much like Loki actually. He did his best to show her it meant something to him. She meant something to him. But it was hard putting it all into words. So all he did was hoping she was able to read in between the lines. That's what they always did anyway, read in between the lines. But this time [Name] was ready to voice how she really felt about him.

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