Selfish ~ Peter Parker (part 2)

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Word Count: 1,184

Summary: It's the second part of Selfish, a sad break up.

A/N: The second part was requested I personnaly think that this is worst than the first part. It's fluff then angst. Sorry in advance and please let me know what you think. Thanks for reading :)

The water was so cold the young man had trouble moving. He felt a strange sensation, almost like his skin was burning, slowly and painfully. Peter couldn't breath. His lungs were filled with water, and the awful sensation was spreading inside his body.

But for some reason it was never-ending. Although air couldn't fill his lungs anymore, he still could feel the freezing water, the burning pain and the loneliness. He was trapped. The boy was so scared and lost. The water he was sinking in was pitch black. But there was something in there with him he could sense it.

The thing was moving around him. It was fast. Peter was desperately trying to get back to the surface, but the creature wouldn't let him. It kept pushing him deeper without even touching the boy.

Then it stopped, it stopped moving. Everything was calm and silent. But Peter was tired. In a last effort he tried reaching the surface. But just when he thought he finally made it. The monster came back. This time wrapping itself around the boy. Peter gasped, desperate to break free and to breath.

That's when his eyes opened. The young man was breathing heavily. His beautiful brown eyes were wide open, filled with fear. He was sweating and looking everywhere for some kind of comfort and he found it. There she was sat next to him, rubbing her sleepy eyes with her hands. Peter didn't even have to say anything she already knew.

So she did what she always did. [Name] softly wrapped her arms around the boy and rested her head on his shoulder.

"It's okay. I am here Pete." she said.

And that was all he needed. Her smell, her touch, her simple presence was all he needed. She was the touch of reality that helped him break free from all those nightmares. [Name] was his very own touch of reality and he couldn't get enough of her.

Peter hugged her tightly almost as if he was scared that if he didn't hold her tight enough she would disappear. A few tears fell from the young man's eyes, dripping on [Name]'s shoulder. Each tear breaking the girl's heart a little more. 

Those nightmares they were endless, they never stopped. They would always torment Peter. They weren't just bad dreams, no, they were one of the many representations of Peter's demons. It was his anxiety, his fear, his doubts and his pain from this incredible life he was living. It was the not so pretty part of being a superhero.

It wasn't the first time, and it was certainly not the last time it would happen. [Name] saw it on many occasions, and she always tried her best to relieve him from all these awful thoughts. She was scared she wasn't enough. The girl felt so useless sometimes. But little did she know her mere presence meant everything to him.

[Name] ran her fingers through Peter's curly hair, it always calmed him. He wasn't breathing heavily anymore and his grip loosen a little bit. The young women moved gently in order to face him. She looked into his deep brown eyes and whipped the tears of his face with her soft fingers.

Even like this Peter couldn't help but admire her beautiful features. Her face was so close he could see all the imperfections he loved. [Name] was stroking the boy's cheek absentmindedly, lost in his eyes. They weren't filled with fear anymore. She loved it that way.

"I'm sorry I woke you up... again." he whispered.

"No don't be sorry Pete. It's totally fine." she reassured a small smile on her lips.

"That's what you say all the time."

"Um, yeah. Because you say sorry all the time when there's really nothing to be sorry about." she pointed out.

"There is. You love sleeping, and I am obviously interfering with that." he replied a little smile on his lips.

"Well, I guess I love you more." [Name] said, pressing her lips against his.

Peter kissed her back and ended up laying on her. She playfully complained about how he was too heavy and how he was crushing her. But she finally wrapped her arms around his neck while his head rested on her chest.

"It was so scary." he admitted after a brief moment of silence.

"I know but it's not real. Do you want to talk about what happened?"

"No, I don't. It's kind of always the same thing you know? It's just so weird. I wish it would just stop."

"Me too Pete, me too. And no, not because it wakes me up, before you say it." she insisted.

Peter's nightmares never once bothered [Name] because she couldn't sleep. No, it bothered her because it hurt him and it was something that kept getting harder for her to see. So she tried her best to keep them away from him and it worked most of the time.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course Peter! I just... prefer when you smile and your eyes sparkle. " she explained playing with his hair.

Peter let out a small laugh.

"Hey, you should thank me. I'm so sweet!"

"Oh, you sure are." he replied, the biggest smile on his lips.

Just like this all his bad thoughts were gone, at least for a while. He could finally enjoy a bit of sleep next to the girl he loved. He rolled back next to her. [Name] already missed the warmth of his body but he was quick to wrap his arms around her again.

The girl placed a few kisses down his jaw, and Peter closed his eyes, taking in her scent. Everything felt so peaceful and comforting.

Expect it wasn't. Peter's eyes were wide open. He was as cold as his nightmares but it was real. The boy was sitting on his bed all alone. Tears falling down as he realised two things weren't real tonight, what happened in this awful dream and [Name]. His bed was empty and it had been this way ever since she left.

Her last words were still replaying in Peter's mind "I am sorry. Sorry for being so selfish.". The young man let out a small cry at this memory. His chest was aching and he was having trouble breathing just like in his nightmares.

It was so hard. So hard to make it stop to know what was real and what wasn't anymore. He needed her. He needed her to come back. That's all he could think about, her, his very own touch of reality. But she was gone.

Peter felt like he was sinking back into his nightmares. He fell back into his bed and stopped moving. The young man trying his best to catch his breath back. He shut his eyes tightly and tried clearing his mind but he couldn't.

The memory of his nightmare was fading away but not the memory of her. [Name] was the most hauntingly beautiful memory he ever had and although he loved her. Everything that used to be comforting about her wasn't anymore.

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