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You make me feel like a child.
The way you hold me makes me feel whole.
I love to kiss your smile.
You push all of  the dark thoughts away.
We lay in the grass under the light of the day,
till the moon comes to kiss us with her light.
Then you take my hand and we dance on the roof.
They could call us crazy, but darling, they'll never understand.
You make me feel alive.
We fit together like puzzle pieces.
With you I forget all the bad things on my mind.
It's just us dancing in the rain on an April day.
Running dill we feel the sun's first rays.
Dancing under the mask of the moon.
They'll say were insane, but thats only because they'll never know.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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