Slept in India... Woke up in ...

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I slept in India, and woke up on a feathery land, which showed me the blue sky above my head, scorching sunlight into my falling right in my eye along with some background chirps of birds. I did not know what was that place, I woke up in a place which was unknown to me.

Was I surrounded by some different energy, people, or was it in real. I was skeptical, that I did not know how to react, what to do, where do I head and seek help; it was all like a dream for me. A few moments later, I pinched myself to realize whether was I dreaming or was it real? But, guess what? It was reality. Now, I was spellbound and in a troublesome situation. I needed someone to guide me way back to my home. I could not find anyone near to me who could help me or either could give me some food, as I was hungry.

I found myself lying on the dune of sand, which was surrounded by bushes. These bushes had pretty lavender flowers on them. Far in this open land, I saw a small water body, which looked like a lake. I got up and as I started walking towards it, the way got longer and farther. It seemed like a lifetime to go and fetch a pail of water. Then there was a small gazebo made of straws, bamboo, and hay in the middle of surrounding tall, shady trees. That place looked a source of escape from this unknown place I was at. I decided to walk towards it and after getting closer to the gazebo, I peeped through the window and saw there was no one inside it. It was merely like a haunted house with some spooky sounds coming out of it. Now, this made me curious yet I was very nervous within myself. I wanted to go and explore the place but the ongoing noise made me step back from entering the premises. That was the moment when I decided to go inside and experience the normal-appearing yet spooky sounding place. As I could not find any entrance leading inside it, so I decided to break open and enter through a glass window.

After I entered inside, there was an echo of my name inside the place. The voice made me follow it and after reaching the room, there was a 100 years old man sitting in an armchair, beside him was a letter which had, "Welcome to the wonderland, this is a place away from your home, and I am the man who got you here while you were asleep last night." Reading this I was shocked, and I started to tremble. I almost stumbled upon my feet before I ran out crying loud.

I kept running, crying, running and crying. Reaching about 2 miles farther from that spooky place I saw a similar kind of place but this was not surrounded by trees and instead was surrounded with beautiful white tulips. I was afraid to break open into it, but there was a door inside it and a bell to strike. I rang the bell hard and then a woman came out, she was very beautiful and looked modest to me. I thought that she is the person who can help me reach back to my home safely. Looking at my face, she asked me, "What are you doing here so far away from your continent, your home? Did that grumpy man bring you here?" Hearing this made me run away again, but this time was a ray of hope that she may be nice, as she appeared kind and humble to me. She made me feel comfortable by allowing me to enter her home and making me some good lunch. She made sure that all my wishes were fulfilled. Then a few moments later, she just vanished. I kept calling her name, I decided to go search for her in different places. Yet I could not find her. Then I saw a huge puddle in the floor of the kitchen, suddenly it showed me my face in it and when I bent over to touch my image, I fell off a couple of floors beneath.

There was this magnificent cottage in the middle of a forest, I was scared and enthralled simultaneously about being in that place. I could hear different animals making sounds around and about. I finally ran into it and there was a warm welcome to me by the locals. I felt so good about being treated that way. I was curious to know, where was I after being through all of the incidents. I shared my experience with all of them but none seemed to believe me rather made fun of me by laughing. But I still did not lose the hope and spoke to an old man sitting in a corner. He explained it to me that I was not lying as this had happened to him and he had been in the same place ever since. He was happy as ever. I asked him about what was the place I was in? Seeing the innocence on my face he said, " You're in the land of greenery, a massive place full of animals, bare human existence, and see across all you find is open land" and left. The name of this land was finally known to me after this man pointed his finger to a board that said, "Welcome To the wonderland Of Ghana." I was so relieved to have finally known the name of the place which was unknown to me. After knowing the place I wanted to reach back home safely. I wanted if someone could help me get back home. I kept searching for the right person to help me. But found none. I came out of the cottage, started walking towards a lake close by. I found there were plenty of elephants taking a stroll around it. I went near to them and accidentally fell off in the water. The elephant seeing me drowning jumped into the water and saved my life. That elephant became my friend, although we could not understand one another's language still the elephant understood my emotions and made me explore the forest on his back. I was enjoying the ride on his back, as I could pluck the mangoes, berries, cherries, and bananas off the trees easily. The elephant made me shower on his back by splashing water on me using his trunk. As we were passing through the forest, there was a pride of lion waiting for their meal. I could not let this happen in front of my eyes. So I whistled and suddenly saw there were so many animals coming in my direction reacting to the whistle. Seeing so many animals together, the pride of the lion got afraid and went off. 

 Now, I was just not afraid and helped him being my friend. We had so much fun together, all the animals became friends with me. I use to climb a branch like a monkey, jump in the water like a dolphin, eat fishes like a bear, run fast like a cheetah, cry like a hyena, and roar like a lion. I was growing old now, I loved staying in this place. I felt like this was the best place to live in.

Ten years later, I saw people in that forest; they were clicking pictures, enjoying the scenic beauty and my buddy animals were feeling afraid. By now I had forgotten how to speak like a human being.

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