The Toad

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2 years later.

"Eve!!" Jackie calls from upstairs as she leans against the banister.
Eve pulls her earphones out of her ears and smiles at her friend through her webcam.
"Sorry Jenna I have to go can I call you back later?" She asks
"Yes of course bye" Jenna says hanging up the call as Eve hurries out of her room and leans against the Bannister from the upstairs.
"Yeahhhh" she calls downstairs
"Can you help me lay the table love." Jackie asks
"Of course!" Eve calls as she skips down stairs into the kitchen room as Jackie makes the food.
"What have you been doing all day I haven't really seen you." Jackie asks Eve as she opens the cupboard and pulls out five plates.
"Sweetheart it's going to be seven plates tonight." Jackie informs her

"Oh really who's coming?" Eve asks
"Johnny and Adam of course and Katie.."
"Who's Katie."
"Johnny's new female."
"Ugh female." Eve grunts
"And Vals coming too tonight."
"Bloody Val."
"What's the occasion?" Eve asks as Martin grabs a tea spoon and begins to scoop up the old cooking oil from one of the frying pans in the sink waiting to be washed.
Eve stands watching him as he scoops the oil from the spoon and into his mouth.

"Martin!" Jackie snaps as Eve begins to gag.
"What it will be a waste" Martin snaps
"You'll make yourself sick." Jackie lectures
"Leave me be woman."
Eve rolls her eyes at Martin as she carries the plates into the dinning room and begins to lay the table
The door suddenly rings as Jackie and Martin argue about the cooking oil.
"That must be the boys. Eve can you get it love?" Jackie calls through

Eve pauses always feeling awkward around the boys. Mainly Johnny. She made him feel nervous and she could never really hold and conversation with him or look him in the eye. However she had a better friendship with Adam as she saw him as one of her best friends.
Eve pulls the door open expecting to see Johnny and Adam with the girl but instead Jim stares at her while slouching holding the dog Lead.

"Oh hi Jim

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"Oh hi Jim." Eve casually says as Jim suddenly leans in and smells her. Eve's eyes widen in disbelief as she freezes not sure what to do as he sniffs her like a dog.
"Ohh you smell neww" he stutters
"New?" Eve questions with a raised eyebrow
"Yes" he replies as he stares at her again.
Eve looks back awaiting him to speak up again but he doesn't as a minute passes and he still looks at her while twitching his glasses and blinking every so often.

"So What's up?" Eve asks him
"Ohh well we were wonderingg if you had any saltt."
"Salt?" Eve questions while keeping her hand on the door handle.
"Yes salt for my Tender apples you see."
"You put salt on apples?"
"Yes however when I wasn't looking Wilson ate all of my salt." He says as he leans his arm down to pet Wilson but suddenly dramatically flinches away from the harmless dog.

"Cool." Eve replies as Jim continues to stare at her. Eve awkwardly backs away from the door and heads into the kitchen.
"Who's at the door?" Jackie asks
"Jim" Eve sighs
"Oh again! Every Friday night!" Jackie complains
"I know"
"What's he looking for this time."
"He wants some salt to eat with his tender apples."
"Salt on apples?" Jackie scoffs
"I know!!"
"What's wrong with that?" Martin asks entering the kitchen
Jackie and Eve stare him down
"Don't tell me you've..."
"Once or twice yeah."
"What is wrong with you people." Eve Jokes pulling out the salt from the cupboard.

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