Welcome home.

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Eve quietly sits at the back of the goodman's car as she clutches her hands together tightly while tapping the flooring with her foot.
"You alright luv?" Jackie asks her looking over her shoulder at the shy girl.
Eve innocently glances up at Jackie and gives her the sweetest smile she can.
"Trust me sweetheart our home is beautiful your going to love it." Jackie warmly announces reaching her arm over the car seats as she gently clutches Eve's hand.

"You'll love it as long as you don't find the dead bodies in the attic." Martin causally blurts out.
Eve's eyes widen like saucers hearing Martin say that.
"Martin!" Jackie scolds slapping his shoulder with her hand.
"He's just joking darling" Jackie says looking over at Eve again.
The car suddenly stops dramatically causing all of their heads to slam forward causing Eve to gasp.
"SHITTING SHIT ON IT!!!!!" Martin roars slamming his hands on the horn
"What was that?" Jackie asks
"Some Plonker just drove past me without letting me go! stupid tit!" Martin roars in anger
"Martin!!" Jackie yelps as Eve watches from the back with a traumatised look on her face.

The goodmans finally drive into their car park as Eve looks out of the window at the beautiful house.
"Welcome to your new home Eve." Jackie kindly says
"Thank you Jackie." Eve manages to stutter still very overwhelmed with her sudden new life.
A crunching sound reaches their ears causing all to gasp again.
"What the hell was that?" Martin yelps pushing the car door open and diving out of the car.
Leaving Eve and Jackie in the car.
"I know it's scary for you but you are going to love it here. We're going to order a Chinese for tea then we'll show your around the house. I hope you like your new room. I got it all decorated for you coming here." Jackie warmly says in her most nurturing tone.

"SHITTING HELLLLLLL" Martin yelps in anger
"Two minutes love." Jackie says throwing herself outside of the car. Eve pauses not sure what to do but she soon follows Jackie out of the car and into the driveway.
"What is it Martin."
"Some bloody idiot left my Record player on the driveway and now it's bloody ruined!!" Martin cries out
Jackie and Eve look at the destroyed record player broken and half crushed under the car wheel.
"Why did you even have it outside to begin with Martin?" Jackie asks

"Hello all!" A strange voice suddenly says from behind Eve. She Swivels around to see a man with a bowl cut and large glasses with one eerie moustache.
"Hi Jim." Jackie sighs
"You look niceee" he says leaving extra enthuses on the word nice
"Thank you Jim listen we're kind of busy right now Someone left our record player on the drive way...."
"Ah yes I like that Record playerr." Jim says as Eve stares at him as he weirdly looks around with bulging wide eyes. Awaiting for him to Speak as he continues to stare at her without saying a single word.
"Do you know what happened to it?"
"Ah yes Wilson done his business on your record player so I decided to bring it outsidee" he says in a strange almost child like voice

"Wilson? Who's Wilson?" Jackie asks
"Wilson is my new puppee" Jim announces
"You got a dog!" Jackie gleams pacing her hand on Eve's shoulder.
"Yes would you like to see Jackie?" Jim asks
"Would you like to see the puppy Eve?" Jackie asks her as jim stares at her with wide eyes
"Em yes." She awkwardly speaks up
"Who's thiss" Jim awkwardly asks pointing his finger towards Eve causing her eyes to widen with fear.
"This is Eve she is going to live with us for now on."
"My apologies Eve." Jim suddenly says grasping Eve's hand as he kisses it with slobbery lips
"Ughhhhhh Jackie??" Eve says fearfully
"Ugh Jim we are going to go inside now."
"Yes of course Jackie!" Jim blurts out
As Jackie grasps Eve's shoulders gently pushing her forward.

"Here we go welcome to your new home" Jackie glees opening the front door. Eve looks around at the cozy wonderful home.
"What do you think?" Jackie asks
"Your home is beautiful Jackie." Eve  shyly responds
"It's your home too now." Jackie says leaving a smile on Eve's lips
"Come on take off your jacket and I'll show you to your bedroom." Jackie says as Martin suddenly walks by them into the kitchen
"Martin!" Jackie calls in annoyance
"What?" He obviously asks sticking his head around the side of the door.
"Aren't you going to take Eve's jacket for her?" Jackie asks
"Oh yeah. There ya go luv." Martin says taking Eve's jacket from her hands.

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