The case

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Rosalie POV

        Spence and I jammed out to music as he drove us to the building, I tried to hide my worry behind the laughter, but Spence just saw right through it. He put his hand on my thigh and gave me a warming smile, "It'll be okay Rose. We'll catch this psycho and be home before you know it. And you and Garcia will be the most help out of all of it. Even if you can't go on the field right now." I took his hand in mine and intertwined our fingers, "I know. I'm still allowed to worry about my husband, you're a father now, you have to promise me that you'll be careful. I can't endure another case like Tobias Hankel's, there was to much backwash." He looked at me with soft eyes. "It won't happen. Trust me, prison doesn't suit me." Dean let out a laugh, "Pretty boy nerd was in prison. You don't look like you could hurt a fly. How could you have gotten locked up? And what's the Tobias Hankel case?" 

      We both stiffened before Spencer grit his teeth and said, "The Tobias Hankel case was a bad case. It comes with the job sometimes so it's nothing the team couldn't handle, but I got taken. He had MPD one of his sides was Tobias Hankel, one was his father Charlie Hankel, and the last was an angel, Raphael. Charlie would beat me to get me to 'confess my sins', Raphael made me choose people to die, including one of my team, and Tobias gave me pain meds. A drug called Dilaudid. He didn't get to kill anyone in my team because they figured out where I was, but by the time they got there..." Sam finished for him, "You got addicted. It's a drugstore heroine. You got thrown in prison. Better be clean now." 

     Spencer gave the boys a very serious expression in the mirror, "I am. I would never do something that would jeopardize Rose and Angel's lives." He was gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles were white, I reached over and put my hand on his thigh. He smiled at me and put his hand over mine. We rode the rest of the drive, in comfortable silence.  When we arrived at the big black building, I couldn't help but smile. I loved this place, it gave me purpose and my family. Gideon was like a father to me before he resigned but Rossi gladly took his spot, I even went as far as calling him, dad. Hotch was like my protective older brother, though he was my boss, he never made me feel unloved and protected me. JJ is like Hotch but a girl, she's the best soccer mom ever, though there are times that we don't get along she's there when you need her. Morgan was like a brother to be completely honest, he always made sure I had mine and he had his. He was easily my best friend and never failed to be there for me. Garcia was like Morgan, she was the sister I never had, we have a movie and snack night with Morgan whenever we're down which made us even closer.

        I made Sam and Dean carry the coolers while I grabbed Angel and Spence had his satchel. When we walked in I could feel most of the staff's eyes on me and my weird little family. I could care less though. I walked up to the front desk where Helen was and asked for her to have some paper plates sent up to my bureau's floor. Then I walked to the elevator and got us in before clicking the number of the floor. When the doors opened, it was just like home. I had spent so much time here it practically was my home. I walked through the doors to see most of my team at their desks already. I set the carrier down on my desk, which was in front of Spencers and looked at Sam and Dean who were looking with very worried faces. "Just put all the Tupperware on that table, everyone can help themselves. Make yourselves a plate and sit because you can't go up while we talk about the details of a case." 

    They listened and did as they were told. I smiled as they did my bidding. "Hey princess. What are you doing here ten weeks before you were supposed to be back?" I turned to see Morgan looking at me with a stern expression. I smiled, "Well, Hotch said I could come in as long as I stayed with Garcia. Also, Angel missed everyone." Sam and Dean came back and flanked my sides with their normal bitch faces. Morgan beefed up and gave them a look, "Who's this princess?" "These are my older brothers. The tall moose is my twin, older by an hour, his name is Sam. The shorter one, is our older brother by two years, Dean. Boys, this is my brother for all intents and purposes when yall weren't here." I decided to whisper a very crucial piece of information to the trio, "We're all hunters." Sam and Dean stood down and shook his hand. Even if they didn't fully trust any of my people yet. It was nice.

       "Figlia, cara, perche sei qui?" I turned to see Rossi, my wonderful surrogate father. He was Italian, so it was natural that he often spoke it. "Papa! Tua nipote ti e mancato. E Hotch disse che potevo risolvere il caso dalla caverna die pipistrelle." He smiled while embracing me. "Certo, troverai un modo per nonprendere un congedo di maternità. Sono quei tuoi Fratelli di cui mi hai parlato?" I nodded. "Sam and Dean." He moved and embraced them, making the pair stiffen. "Rosalie is like my daughter. It is wonderful to meet some of her family. I'm David Rossi, most call me Rossi but feel free to call me David." "Okay, dad. Angel has wanted to see her Nonno." "Of course. Where is my little nipotina?" I pulled her from her carrier and passed her over to him. He cooed and bounced her making me smile. "When you're done, I made a hot breakfast for everyone. It's on the table." "Grazi Figlia." 

      Soon the whole team was in hugging me, playing with Angel and making themselves some food. Eventually, I grabbed the baby carrier and joined the team at the round table. "Okay, this case is actually right here. 3 victims were found maimed, their chest tore open and hearts missing from their chests. It looks as though it was simply snatched after the chest was clawed open. There are no similarities between the victims as of now. There is also nothing else done with the bodies. Another girl is missing right now, there is no proof that it's the same person but the police strongly believe that is was the same person." I looked at Morgan, this was most likely a werewolf, but how were we supposed to tell the team that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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