Chapter VII // Blurred Vision - Dream or Reality?

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The news displays a scene: police tape and blood on the pavement. There had been another devouring case, and the suspects were on the run. The tension in the school was thick in the air.

"No! Stop it!" A female voice cries out.

Legosi stops, and analyzes the scene in front of him. 

"Did you see this?" The hawk shakes his phone at the victim of his bullying.

"The killer group's leader is a grey wolf, just like you!" The raccoon, who was with the hawk, teases.

"B-but I'm not like that!" Her voice pleads. 

"That's what you all say!"

'That doesn't sound friendly..' Legosi thinks, 'How should I help? "Hey you!" No, that doesn't sound right.. especially from some stranger just budding in.' 

The raccoon tugs on the girl's arm, aggressively. 

"You're a grey wolf, show us who you really are!" He demands.

"Uhm.." Legosi interrupts, "Excuse me?"

The raccoon lets out a surprised noise and looks up at Legosi. 

"I-I'm her older brother," Legosi points at the wolf on the ground, "Is there a problem here?"

"Brother? Seriously?" The two bullies don't buy it.

The female wolf on the ground looks up, meeting Legosi's eyes. 

'Shoot. She doesn't even look like me!' His thoughts interrupt. Legosi begins to sweat a little.

"Liar! You guy's don't look alike at all!"

"Yeah! You can't fool us!" 

"I look like our father," He continues, unconvincingly, "and she looks like our mother."

The two bullies just raise their eyebrows and stare.

"You okay, sis?" Legosi crouches to meet the young girl's eyes. 

"Y-yeah.." she replies, tears formed in her eyes. "Thank you.. brother." 

The raccoon and hawk mutter among themselves. 

"Dang it.." the raccoon murmurs, "Let's go."

They begin to walk away, and the hawk makes a face at the two. 

As soon as they were far enough away, Legosi begins speaking.

"I'm sorry for lying like that." He says.

"But you saved me," the female wolf argues, "Thank's a lot. I owe you."

"I couldn't ignore it when they said you were a grey wolf," Legosi starts, "There's a lot of bullying like that because of the recent news. You're a freshmen, aren't you? You'll get used to it by the time you're a sophomore and--- huh?"

There were tears streaming down the girl's face.

"This is something I have to get used to? Seriously?"

One of her tears splashes onto the floor. 

"It's even worse than junior high. They're so cruel; they can't do this!" 

She grips her uniform's skirt tightly.

"I'm just so frustrated at myself," she continues, "I take it too personally every time."

"If that's the way you really feel, it's a good feeling for you to hang on to." Legosi states. "I was fed up with being frustrated. I just pretended I was used to it. Feeling that frustration makes you stronger."

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