"Why would you scare them if you aren't dangerous?"

"Hmm? You saw what I did to your black. If I can nullify it's effects imagine what would happen if I shared that secret. Your lot would be reduced to the level of us regular folks once again."

"Wh- how on Earth did you manage that? Did you figure it out yourself? Oh, can you nullify any type of product?" Noé's eyes widened as he imagined the possibilities.

"Hey, Noé, why don't I show you something, as long as you keep it to yourself. You seem rather... amusing."

"What if I decide you really are dangerous?"

The man shrugged, "I don't think you will. But feel free to continue with your original objective if that is the case."

"What's your name?" Noé said.

"I assumed you already knew. It's Vanitas, now come on."

Vanitas started to walk off, hands in his pockets. Noé followed behind cautiously, keeping his distance to make sure he had an escape route. Eventually, they reached what looked like a small disused warehouse deep in the seediest part of Carvenport. Vanitas opened the door and turned back to Noé.

"Are you coming or not? With or without product you look stronger than me so what's the problem?"

"This could be a trap."

"And why would I even want to trap you?"

Noé frowned, unable to come up with an answer. Vanitas sighed after the silence had stretched for a few moments. He gestured for Noé to follow before slipping inside. Noé hesitated by did eventually decide to pursue Vanitas. As he stepped over the threshold Noé's jaw dropped. Inside the warehouse was what looked like a lab with vials and breakers of what he knew was product. There were notes strewn everywhere and the walls and floor had been used as blackboard, chalk equations scattered around them getting scuffed under his and Vanitas's boots.

"Welcome to my lab," Vanitas grinned. "Impressive, right?"

"How have you been running this without getting caught? And how much product do you have? Surely you can't have the funds-"

"I steal sometimes. I have a good information broker."

"You steal? Then, wouldn't you have an even bigger target on your back?"

"Maybe." Vanitas shrugged. "But if people like you come for me I'm sure I can weasel my way out of their clutches. And if I happen to get on the bad side of an independent blood-blessed I can handle them on my own."

"What are you trying to do?"

"You saw, I'm counteracting the effects of product. Black is easy enough, all I have to do is ingest a certain product of my own design then I'm impervious to black. Anti-product I suppose. But the others can only be dealt with by injecting the blood-blessed, not that blue really poses a problem."

"Why would you do that?"

"For one thing, if I perfect this and patent it I'm sure to get a lot of money. For another, I find your powers unfair, I want to even the playing field for myself."

"If your aim is money why not take your research to a company and ask for funding? You get things done quicker that way, probably have a team to work with you."

"No way. If I try to make deals before it's even finished I'll lose some control. Though rumours seem to be circulating now. Tell me, who sent you?"

"Like you asked before, Ironship."

"Figures they'd catch on. So, what do you plan to do? Are you going to tell them about this place?" Vanitas raised an eyebrow.

"No... Ironship already has a monopoly on product, I don't know if handing them your anti-product is wise."

Vanitas × NoéWhere stories live. Discover now