・/ Course One / ・

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              || 7:30 am. Kamome Acadamy. ||
                      ~ FRONT ENTRANCE ~
The sound of multiple footsteps echoed through the school. It was the sign they arrived. Immediately, everyone silenced themselves. Teachers and Students alike. Pretty soon, they saw them. The most popular students of the school. So popular they had the nickname 'Kamome Royals' as their exclusive name for the clique. In total, the clique had 6 members, each trailed by a sea of admirers, both genders alike. First up in the little group is the so-called Prince of the school, Minamoto Teru. Next up was his brother, Minamoto Kou. Then, there goes the school's romantic boy, Hyuuga Natsuhiko. Then, for the ladies. First up is the 'Queen of popularity' Akane Aoi. Then, there's her best friend and equally popular girl, Yashiro Nene. To top it all off, there was the 'Silent Beauty' of the group, Nanamine Sakura. All great friends. Ironic, right? So, meanwhile, as they strode, squeals and adoring comments were put at them.
The group politely said Goodmorning to the crowd, much to their delight. They then strode away, each parting their goodbyes to eachother.
             || 8:00 am. 1st year's classroom.||

"Look, it's the freaks!"
"They're a weird bunch aren't they?"
Three students were talking to themselves. The 'Kamome Freaks' as they called it. But the whispers and snickers were silenced as the arrival of some certain girls... "Hey Nene-chan, have you heard of this...?" As the two strode by, the all boys turnt, lovestruck at their beauty and looks. Well, almost. It was a certain ravenette boy who was the most lovestruck of all, practically gaping at the cream-haired girl, Nene. But, his heart clenched at the thought that she would never notice him. He quietly laughed to himself. Of course, everyone knew his crush on her. He had fell rock hard on her just the first day they'd met. For now, he was just happy that she was there. That boy's name, was Amane Yugi. He was the number one outcast of the 1st years. He was always seen with bruises, bandages, and cuts. But even though, he would try, JUST TRY, to maybe win her heart.
                         || Lunch break. ||
All students rushed to the cafeteria, either they were to buy their food or had packed lunch, they all went there to eat. Of course, there were tables. Each had 10 chairs for students to be comfortable. The popular students would always be in the middle, while the rest were decided to the other students. But back to the story...
"Ne (hey) Nene-chan, nande (what) did you guys do today?" Asked Teru while they were at their designated chairs. "A-re! (Oh!) Speaking of what we're going to do today, let's have a little game!" Said Natsuhiko, a mischievous glint in his eye. 'Oh, here we go again...' the rest of the group sighed. "Fine, I don't see the harm." said Sakura, giving in. So, reluctantly, the group was forced to do what to what he said, thinking it wasn't going to be that of a harm. "Okay! So, each week, I tell one of you to do what I ask!"  Said Natsuhiko cheerfully. Unfortunately, the little group was heard about, and soon people bombarded them with questions. They politely answered, and went back to their game. "Alright, so the first is Nene~!" Purred Natsuhiko. Yashiro grimaced and then accepted.

"So, Nene, your dare..is to go talk to the outcasts!"


             •To Be continued•

Hello! I hope that you aren't that frustrated at this new perspective guys (" Ó ▽ Ò )
Don't worry, there will be lots of stuff gonna go on!! I hope u guys will still support me! Be safe guys! (Lowkey tho I'm cheering bc my school won't be giving homework anymore)
Btw, how do you guys like the nickname strawberries? Hehehhe~ anyways, hope you enjoyed this chap!
~ eichi

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