"I see. Well, I'll take you to Miss Faragonda. It'd be best if you discuss with her about your daughters' attendance at the school," the family nodded and followed after the brown haired woman. As they walked, the two sisters took in the amazement of the school as they walked towards the center building. Once inside, the group noted the insane amount of stairs. Selina scoffed a little. "You'd think in a world of magic that stairs wouldn't be a requirement."

"Actually, quite the contrary," Griselda commented, looking over her shoulder at the green haired fairy of myth. "Most of the students over-relay on their magic to take them places, wings and all that. But magic is forbidden to be used in the hallways and we believe stairs is the best way for these girls to stay in some form of active constitution so they don't gain body fat or become weak from lack of use."

This caused Selina to blink, she hadn't thought about it in that way. "Makes sense, I guess. Just hand me whatever is considered a bike over in this world and I'll be fine for exercise," she laughed, as she thought of the bike they had left back on Earth. It had been mangled during the fight and wasn't good anyway.

The group eventually found themselves in front of some very impressively sized double doors that Griselda knocked on. Shortly after, an elderly voice was heard that said. "Come on in."

The door opened into a very impressive office room, shelves lined both of the walls to their side filled with books about magic and stuff. The ambient magic in the room was strong enough for Bloom and Selina to even feel it without much knowledge. There was a small fireplace that sent warm energy throughout the room, filling Bloom with a lot of energy then she realized. In front of them, an impressive desk in front of massive windows that overlooked the courtyard that they had just been in.

Sat at the desk was an elderly woman with short and very curly hair, horn-rimmed glasses and a blue vest with a lilac ruffled shirt underneath. She had a warm, friendly smile at the stared at the group before addressing the deputy head. "May I ask what's going on, Griselda?"

"Well, Princess Stella arrived just now and brought with her the magi that she mentioned. I thought that their mother could talk with you about their situation, I'm sure that you recognize her," the head of discipline commented, indicating towards Eldora and the two girls.

"Eldora, my old friend. I thought I wouldn't ever see you again after you left the school," the friendly headmistress commented, as Eldora stepped forward with the two girls. "I assume these are your daughters."

"Yes, Faragonda," the mother smiled, as she sat down in one of the three chairs in front of the headmistress. Bloom and Selina awkwardly took their seats as well. Around this point, Griselda had walked out with Stella to take the blond to her dorm. "The green haired girl is Selina, she's my biological daughter. 14 years and inherited my powers of myth and legends. And the red head is my adoptive daughter, Bloom. She's 16 and we're unsure where she came from. But we know that she likely has magic over fire."

"I see," the woman smiled, before addressing the two girls. "So you discovered your powers recently, it's quite unheard of for teenagers to only just discover their powers. But I hear that you were raised on Earth."

"Y-ya...." Bloom commented, quite intimidated despite the woman's friendly attitude. She didn't want to get in trouble after only just arriving fro sure. "Stella said something about the magic ambient being very insufficient...and that likely prevented our magic coming out."

"Yes, that would likely be the case," Faragonda nodded. "So I assume that you two aren't aware of what type of magi that you are."

"Type of magi?" Selina asked. "Stella and you keep mentioning that word....but what exactly is a Magi?"

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