Chapter 1: Who are you?

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"Where am I?" Jotaro woke up and first heard was the sound of the wave. Which make him realize he was on the shore as he can feel the sand that stuck on his hand. He look around him, but see nothing except a sea and a lighthouse which he didn't know if it has been occupied or not. He breath in relief as it been quite a long time he didn't saw a sea. Notice it or not, there was a girl around his age with a hazelnut eyes gaze at the boy who's standing on the shore. She didn't expect a guest to be here, she's even barely meet people as she was all alone in the lighthouse. She wants to greet the boy, but she was nervous to approach the tall boy. "But, it'll be rude if I just ignore him." She thought as she just sigh and approach him to greet.

As Jotaro was gazing at the sea peacefully, all of a sudden he heard a voice coming from behind him. He turned his body and met a girl in his age, she have a short, light brown, hair, she wears a white knee length dress in a pink coat and black shoes as she look at his aquamarine eyes, which she oddly find it beautiful. "Excuse me, but may I ask what brings you here?" Ask the girl wonder curiously for how could the boy get here without a boat. Jotaro didn't know what to answer the question as he bluntly said "I don't know, I was already here when I woke up." The girl just nod as she stretch out her hand for handshake and introduce herself,
"My name is Hope Evangeline Rose, just call me Holine,  what's yours?"
He also give her a handshake as he introduce himself "My name is Jotaro Kujo."
"Jotaro Kujo, I see, how unique that name." Holine state as she give a warm smile"It's nice to meet you mr. Kujo." Jotaro just hum when all of a sudden it become a pitch black and someone was shaking him.

"Oi! Wake up Jotaro!" He wake up with wide eyes as he begin to relief when he notice that turns out it was only Jolyne, his sister, wake him up.
"Hey, it's very unusual for you to be this late for breakfast. Hurry up! Everyone is waiting."
"Yare yare daze, I'll be there in five minute." He stand up from his bed as Jolyne get out from his room and Jotaro was taking a bath and get dressed when he think about the girl in his dream "Weird dream." He thought.

When everyone was already here, they're begin to eat their breakfast. The breakfast is quiet, but comfortable as Jotaro's older cousin, Jonathan notice the confuse look at Jotaro, but said nothing. Jonathan was curious about what Jotaro was thinking about as he knew he's not the only one since he notice Joseph was curious too, yet he has a smirk on his face as he ask him "Jotaro, you seem to be in deep thought. What are you thinking about?"
Everyone starring at him in curious that make Jotaro glare at his annoying cousin "Nothing important." Joseph knew he was lying as his smirk grew wide "You sure~? Not thinking about any girl eh?"
Jotaro hate to admit it, but what Joseph said is right about him. He has been thinking about that girl in his dream, it seem as if he has been distracted by her. Why would he even thinking about the girl that only met for a while? He doubt that this not gonna be the last time they'll meet.

His quiet response only make Joseph guess that he's right about it, his grin become wide and tease him "Sooo, what does she look like? Is she pretty?" "Shut up." Jotaro was annoyed and clench his fist when Jonathan calm them down "Hey, no fighting in breakfast Jotaro and Joseph, don't make him punch you." Jotaro's cousin, Josuke and Giorno, and Jolyne just watch in unamuse of the scene since this is just the common thing they mostly did every time.
As the three has done with their breakfast they excuse "Guys, me and Jolyne are gonna go outside, wanna come?"
Giorno also excuse to meet his friends which the three of them left Jonathan, Joseph, and Jotaro behind.

As the three Joestar also has finish their breakfast, Jonathan excuse himself to meet Erina and Speedwagon, while Joseph will meet Caesar. Meanwhile, Jotaro will be with Kakyoin in a walk out from the crowd not wanting to get stuck in the middle of his fangirl surrounded him.

Jotaro and Kakyoin are walking on the field as Kakyoin notice that Jotaro was in deep thought, appearantly Kakyoin already notice from the start. "Jojo, is there something wrong? You know for the past few minutes you've been in deep thought" Jotaro took a glance at his friends as he finally gave in and explain the yesterday event.
"Oh, I see." Kakyoin commented, he pat his shoulder as they sit on a bench.
"Well, I heard there's a new tea shop and people in town said that there's a lot of type of tea you could find in there. Maybe is a great idea to buy one, so you could at least relax." The word 'tea' make him want to drink some as he agree Kakyoin's offer and both of them gone into the town to find the tea shop.

They've finally arrive infront of the tea shop as they go inside the tea shop, Kakyoin was amazed at how there's a lot type of tea, meanwhile Jotaro wants quickly go home and drink some tea.

The owner of the store come out and ask in a friendly tone "Good evening gentlemen, how can I help you?"
"We'd like one black tea please." Kakyoin order, "Sure, one black tea coming right up." As they wait for the black tea they hear a door slide open revealing a girl in a hat with a red ribbon on it and a peach dress all the way to her foot as she walk to the cashier. "Excuse me, may I order an earl grey tea please?" Said the girl to the employee as the employee nod and the owner of the store took a glance at the girl and surprise "Oh my, it's been a long time I haven't see you dear. Here, let me take the earl grey tea for you along the black tea for the gentlemen there." The girl took a glance at the boys sitting patiently for the tea as she nod "It's been a long time too, madam."

As the owner give them one pack of black tea, Kakyoin paid her and they were about to leave when Jotaro took the last glance at the girl feeling a bit suspicious, but ignore it and leave the shop. The owner give her the pack of earl grey tea as she paid her and leave the shop. The employee of the shop was curious and ask the owner "May I ask what's your relationship with the girl?" The owner just chuckel and said  "Well, she was my favorite guest who used to come here everyday, but one day, she never come here again nor I ever saw her in the town for almost two years. I was surprise to see her again."

The boys was in the dining room drinking the black tea. "The tea sure is the best, do you feel relax now Jotaro?" Ask Kakyoin looking at Jotaro. "Hm, at least it make me relax for now." Jotaro mumble, the image of the girl in the tea shop make him suspicious, but he ignore it again as he drink his tea again and want to relax.

After Kakyoin leave the mansion for some reason, Jotaro going back to the mansion to read books in the library. In the library, he was reading a book about sea animal when out  of nowhere, Jolyne is here sitting beside him "Nii san, do you want to go to the forest with me? You know, brother and sister time walking together and chit chatting, please?" She ask as she just grin. "Out of all the places, why does it have to be the forest?" He ask as Jolyne whine "Oh come on, the forest are way better since they have such beautiful nature and more peaceful. Beside, I hears there's an otter in there, so please come?" Jotaro sigh and nod which make Jolyne excited and he shut the book as they walk out from the mansion and into the forest.

When they walk in the forest by not talking to each other, it creates an awkward and silent atmosphere. Well she  wouldn't mind since she's not much of a talkative person and Jotaro is a quiet person, but this is more like an awkward which she doesn't really like it. "Nii san, I heard that there's a new girl move to this village yesterday, they said that she was just move from London." Jolyne said as he just hum in response. The walk took not long enough for them to find a waterfall near by as they also notice an otters in there too.

"Hah! See, told you there's an otters." Jolyne smirk as Jotaro just roll his eyes and they walk to the waterfall only to notice that they're not the only one here. There's a girl in there patting the otter, she didn't notice the existence of the two Joestars, but he recognize the look of the girl. "That girl, she's on of the customer from the tea shop. Beside that, she look so familiar." He thought as the girl look at them and gasp "Oh my, I didn't notice someone will be here. Sorry I didn't notice you both, I was paying attention to the otters." "It's alright, but why I never seen you before? Gasp* don't tell me you're the new girl from London right?" Jolyne ask as the girl chuckel and said "Yes, I'm the new girl from the London."
She stretch out her hand for hand shake and introduce herself.

"My name is Leonora, Leonora Willow Beatrice. Just calls me nora, what's your?"


I apoligize if I have a bad grammar since English is not my first language.

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