"Hey, Pinciotti, Donna" Eric chuckled as he read her record, "Well someone had a real hard time keeping their clothes on in Kindergarten"

"What? It was just a stupid phase!" Donna said snatching the record back.

"I'm sure glad that's over"

"What do we have here? Forman, Liliana" Hyde said with a smirk

"Let me see that" Lana said as she tried to steal the folder from him

"Let's see, perfect attendance, all A's. Wow you really never did anything wrong huh?" Hyde said as he went through the folder

"I did I just didn't get caught" Lana said as she finally go the folder back

"lana is a wonderful student, but she has a slight anger problems and has devolved a habit of calling her twin brother a 'dumbass'" Hyde read out loud to everyone

Eric looked at Lana with a slightly angry look on his face. Everyone else was just laughing.

"Well, he is" Lana shrugged in defense.

Kelso grabbed Hyde's folder, "Well listen to this, I fear that despite Steven's high IQ. He's a born trouble maker and is destined to be the smartest man in his cell block"

"What? They couldn't have known that in the first grade" Hyde said as he grabbed the folder from Michael.

"Steven willfully and maliciously destroyed Liliana Forman's diorama of the four food groups" Hyde read aloud.

"Oh my god. I remember that. You said you like it before lunch and when we came back it was destroyed. I hated you through the rest of grammar school because of it" Lana said with a small laugh

"You're a horrible, horrible monster!" Donna teased

"Yeah real funny but I didn't do it!" Hyde said defending himself.

"Steven its fine, I mean it doesn't really matter anymore. I don't hate you for it still", Lana said before mumbling, "mostly"

"You know what's really funny Hyde?" Eric asked

"What Forman?"

"I broke the diorama," Eric chuckled

"You?" Hyde and Lana has asked at the same time

"You son of a bitch" Lana said imaging Fez's accent," What about twin code?"

"I had to! Your's was better than mine," Eric explained," I had to smash it".

"You're the dumbass who left out dairy! Even after I told you it was a group!" Lana yelled as she hit Eric in the arm repeatedly

"You know that's when everybody turned against me. Lana wouldn't talk to me most of grammar school. They pegged me as a bad kid, and once that happens you're labeled forever. You ruined my life, Forman" Hyde accused.

"No, he didn't!" Jackie said," No offense but with an alcoholic mom and an absent dad, you were bound to end up in hail sooner or later." Everyone shot Jackie a look, "I said no offense!"

"Yeah right, let's see what that file says about you jackie" Hyde said walking over to the stack.

"Go ahead, i have a perfect record" Jackie said with a confident smirk

Hyde snorted pointing to Jackie's name on the top of the page. Lana's eyes went wide as she covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing.

"Would anybody like to know what Jackie's middle name is?" Hyde asked

Jackie shrieked in horror, "you wouldn't..."

"Jackie's middle name is..." Hyde said before Jackie began hitting him so he couldn't say it.

Groovy Baby ~That 70s show Steven Hyde storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें