Part 1: whatever

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POV: (Y/N)

you woke up by your alarm. you turned on your phone and turned off the alarm. you got out of bed and brushed your hair, brushes your teeth, and put on your uniform. "ugh why is this skirt so short?" you say as you are twirl side to side to see how short the skirt is "(Y/N) GET DOWN HERE NOW!!" you ran down stares to see what your father was yelling at you about. you took that last step down the stares and you ducked to not get hit by the flying bottle flying at you. " yes father, what do you need?" he looked at you and says " what I need is for you to get the fuck out of MY house and become a pro and make me money that what I need!! " without looking at him you walk to the door and put on your shoes and grab your bag and say "well I am heading to school" you walk out the door and stand on the side walk you activate your quirk to get supper speed to get to school ( play the song )

were driving in a black car,
and its blacked out,
and were spinin,

were listen'in to fast cars,
and your drivin fast,
and your sinning,

don't want to tell you what i'm feel'in
don't want this night to hit a cellin,

Im waring dir- AHHH!! (pause the song)

'BAM' you deactivated your quirk and stood up "OMG IM SO SOR-" " ahh no its okay i'm fine i promise theirs no need to apologize!" you look at the boy with green hair and freckles  "well my name is Izuku Midoriya whats your name" you look at him and say " My name I (Y-" you were cut off by someone walking between you and Midoriya and pushing the both of you down " Move it extras get out of my way!" the boy with ash-blonde hair said. you stood up and said " Uggh why do you have to to be such an asshole" he turned around and said " WHAT DID YOU SAY BITCH" you looked him in the eyes and said " I said 'why-do-you-have-to-be-such-an-ass-hole' could you hear me now "  you stared right in to his eyes and he stared right into your (E/C) eyes. he started to walk up to your he stud right in front of you.if you were being honest he was kind cute but no matter how cute a guy is if hes an asshole he is no good( take an lesson lades). when bakugou walked up to you you had to look up to him because he was taller then you, he looked in your eyes to find any fear in your eyes but there was none so he stated by saying " do you know who your messing with little girl? im Katsuki Bakugou the Next Number One Hero" you took a step forwards and said " Well Im (F/N) (L/N) the 'Little Girl' who's going to kick your ass" you and bakuou were staring at each other for a few seconds until Midoriya spoke up "Umm.. g-guys we s-shouldnt f-fight school i-is f-f-fixing to s-start" bakuou turned around with a 'tsk' and walked away. Midoriya looks at you with anime sparkling eyes and says " WOW (Y/N)-Chan that was awesome! no one has ever stud up to Kaachan like that " you looked at him and said " well some has to put him in his place" Midoriya looks at you and ask "hey what class do you have?" you pulled out a peace of paper out of your bag and unfolded it and looked at it then looked at Midoriya and said " im in class 1-A" he looked at you and got happy and said "wow really me to come one ill show you where its at" he grabed your hand and pulled you you to the class room

when you got in the classroom before you got in Midoriya turned to you and said " oh and (Y/N) call me Deku" he smiled at you and you smiled at him, Deku went in first you waited tell the class room got silent from the out side then you walked in.

you walked in and couldn't believe what you were seeing "UNCLE-AIZAWA!!" he looked at you and said (Y/N)! is that really you" you walked up to him and hugged him and he hugged you back. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!" the class says, you and Aizawa stop hugging and he says " i new we were getting a new student but i didn't know if was going to be you" Aizawa tunes to the class and says "Evearyone this is the new student (F/N) (L/N) " he looks at you and says " would you like to  introduce yourself (Y/N)" you nod and step forwards, you look at the class and say "Hello everyone, like Aizawa said my name is (F/N) (L/N) my quirk is song if I sing a song I can activate any quirk I think of" everyone 'wow's'and chats about it, you say " now is their any questions" Deku raises his hand and says " your last name is (L/N) right" you answer " yes it is" you think ' oh god here it comes' deku ask " then dose that make Heracles your father" ' new it!' you thought, you looked at Deku and said " yes he is" everyone goes 'WOOOOOOW!!' you look at aizawa and say " where will I sit?" he lookes around and says " you will sit infront of Baku-" "NO" you and bakugou say at the same time cuting Aizawa off "he looks at you and say " YES! not go sit down or ill call your dad " you look at the seat and signed and went sit down. you say " Whatever "

A/N: hey yall i know its short but i really can finish it i am having the worst cramps rn and i really cant focuses on it so im posting this for rn and ill do a longer on tm love yall <3

word count: 10034

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