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"Please say something, anything." He begged, holding his girlfriend's hand. He needed to hear her voice. Needed her to say something.

It's been a week since they finally found her, after having been missing for nearly a month. And she's been silent ever since, not even a whisper.

"Please, sweetheart, I'll do anything, I'd move the stars for you, you know that, right?" His heart skipped a beat when her gorgeous eyes glanced at him, only to fall apart when she turned back to the wall.

He released a heavy sigh and got up to give her space, but he froze when cold hands grasped his shoulder. He turned immediately, ecstatic that she interacted with him. Her eyes met his and he could've died happy when he saw the light in them, saw a flicker of her old, bubbly self.

"My love?" He asked hopefully, holding her hands again. If only he'd get even a whisper.

She looked frustrated, then took a deep breath and his heart soared at the sight of the determination she had in her lovely, perfect face.

She took a step back and he tensed, wondering if he did something wrong, but she beckoned him closer. He did so immediately. Then she tapped her ear and he got the idea.

She was going to talk!

He leaned closer, smiling stupidly because g, as his ear nearly touched her mouth.

He heard a low mutter, "smells good," and he quite literally died happy, as his girlfriend's mouth unhinged itself and grew wider to bite his head off with elongated teeth.


This is something my history teacher really liked, because it started off all normal, and she told me,

"Ok, what's gonna happen, what kind of demon is she??" Because, y'know, it started off too normal, XD, and I told her I honestly meant to end this story happy.

Then I ended up letting the "girlfriend" bite off his head, hehe.

What do you think? It's good, it could use some work, or is it not at all impressive? Please tell me :D

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