Playing with Fire

Start from the beginning

And besides, what was wrong with having a little fun?

"One more dress, okay?"

He groaned and rubbed his neck tiredly, checking the watch on his wrist. "Billie, that's what you said about the last three. We've been here for three hours. Let's wrap it up."

"I promise this is the last one"

He narrowed his eyes at her "Fine"

She smiled widely and stepped back into her dressing room, closing the curtain and sliding off the appropriate and very conservative dress and placing it back on the hanger. She hated dresses, but thought she may as well use this time to her advantage. Then she grabbed the last dress she had picked out and shimmied into it slowly, excitement coursing through her veins. She unclipped her bra from the back and slipped it down her body before letting it drop to her ankles. And just for fun, she pulled down her panties and let them rest near her bra as well.

The dangerous, tiny crimson number fit her form without flaw, accentuating the curve of her waistline and molding to her hips and ass beautifully. It perfectly complimented her feminine shape, stopping just past her upper thighs and leaving not much to the imagination. As stated before, she wasn't one for dresses, but even she couldn't deny this dress fitted her perfectly.

She took a picture with her phone and observed herself, quite pleased with what she saw. She would never buy the dress-she couldn't afford it even if she worked extra shifts for a month-but she loved the way it made her feel. Sexy and devious. Sort of like a vixen or dominatrix.

And it gave her a really good idea.

Kind of bitchy.

But really good.

"Hey Que. Help me zip up this dress, would ya?" she called out, faking a slight distressed tone.

She heard a heavy sigh and grumbles of annoyance before his footsteps approached the curtain. He pulled it open and then shut it, and then she heard his sharp intake of breath behind her. She bit her lip to keep from snickering at his reaction and glanced at him over her shoulder, smiling coquettishly.

"I can't reach the zipper" She purred.

She saw his eyes drop momentarially to the floor where her undergarments lay before he looked back up at her, his jaw clenched tightly. He stared at her, his breathing not altogether light, and his eyes narrowed dangerously.

She chuckled, "Hurry up, Sev. We don't have all day, do we?"

He walked over to her silently and took hold of the zipper, slowly dragging it up her back, his other hand settled on her waist. He tugged the zipper up as far as it could go and the trailed his hand down her side, loosely holding her waist. Billie grinned, loving the hold she had over him. It was such a shame there weren't any mirrors in this dressing room. She would have loved to see his expression.

"What do you think?"

She spun around in his arms and posed for him, tangling her hands in her hair with flirtatious, raised eyebrows.

"I think..." Brandon's hands slowly trailed off of her waist. "That you like playing this game a little too much."

"Do I?"

Her heart raced in excitement when the answering look he gave her was downright indecent.

"Calling a guy into your dressing room. Asking him to zip up your dress. Not wearing a bra or underwear. You're not playing fair, Billie"

"Who said it had to be fair?"

And then Brandon's eyes glinted with something a little sharp and definitely dangerous, and Billie grew a little anxious, thinking maybe she had pushed just a bit too far. She was suddenly reminded of Drew's warning about baiting Brandon. 'If you play with fire, you'll get burned Billie' she had said.

Brandon and Billie: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now