Invisible Things

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Music Notes
Age: 17 and 18

"It's the invisible things that I love the most, it's the way that I feel when I hold you close. Because everything I lose, oh it comes and goes, it's the invisible things that I love the most, so let me hold you close..."


Everything was so much easier for them when they were little. Of course it would be because ninety nine percent of toddlers don't have a care or one responsibility in the world.

Finn and Millie had practically known each other forever, he was only a year older then her, but none of that mattered because they had always been by each other's side.

Building blanket forts with the couch and chairs was one of their favorite things to do when they were little. Millie liked to play mother with Finn even though he was the older one, or sometimes she was the doctor and he was the patient she wrapped up in bandages they found under her parent's bathroom sink.

When they were a few years older and blanket forts was a thing of the past they invented their own game of ultimate freeze tag and it was safe to say Finn won just about every time.

Maybe he let her take the victory once in awhile just to see her smile. Even if they were little he had always known he loved when she smiled, watching her laugh and smile was better than seeing her cry...

Middle school was rough, considering they had gone to different schools for that part of their life. Finn found out Millie had been bullied since sixth grade when she was in eighth.

She had hid it from him, scared of what he would think, but she should've known better. Finn would never think any less of her and when he found out he was pissed, but Millie only wanted his comfort and a shoulder to cry on so that's what he gave her.

When Millie entered her freshman year Finn was a sophomore and they were back in the same school once again. Safe to say he stuck by her side again and Millie liked to think of him as her protector.

He had punched a guy that was acting like an asshole to Millie to put in simply during her sophomore year. Finn had gotten a badly bruised hand and suspension for that, but when Millie said she felt bad about it. She thought it was partly her fault, but Finn had made it clear he didn't regret his decision to punch the guy.

Now Millie is a junior and Finn is a senior meaning he would leave for college soon and Millie would be without him her senior year.

She was dreading the day he would leave for college. Maybe it was selfish, but she wanted her best friend here with her all the time, just like right now when they lay on her bed cuddled next to each other lost in conversation.

Millie's head rested on his chest and he draped his arm around her shoulder why he looked up at her ceiling. "I'm gonna miss you so much Finnie..."

"I'm only gonna be one FaceTime call away Mill..." He tried to reassure her.

"I know, but it's not the same as having you right here and being able to hug you like this... I miss it..."

"Miss what?" Finn asked gazing down at her.

"I miss when we were little and had nothing to worry about. We could just be us and we had no fears at all. We never had to second guess about anything..."

Finn watched her closely finding it hard to look anywhere else, but her... that spark he felt inside his stomach had started to get stronger over the last few months.

He had always felt it when he was with her, even when they were little, but he never acknowledged it... and if Millie felt it to she never brought it up either.

The first time he felt it strongly though was the summer before his sophomore year when he and Millie fulfilled the deal they made years ago. If neither of them had a first kiss by the time they were both in high school well then.. they would be each other's first kiss.

It hadn't really been awkward, but the only thing Finn remembered now was the burning desire to kiss her again when she pulled away first that day. They didn't...

"We should make another pact before you go." Millie sat up and now swung her leg over him so one leg was on either side of his hips while he looked up at her.

Anyone else would think more of the position, but this was a normal thing for them... they had never really thought twice about it, but somehow it felt different today... more intimate and they both knew it.

"Yeah? What would that be?" Finn's fingers grazed down her arm now while he watched her. He noticed more of the things he loved about her now, things you can't see...

Her vanilla sent alerted all his senses, the way it felt when she hugged him sent nerves through his body, and the way her soft skin felt under his finger tips, somehow all of this felt electrifying now...

"If... neither of us find someone and get married buy the time I'm..." Millie stopped to think, "25, then we will marry each other."

Her eyes met his and he knew she was feeling it to... it was so easy to agree because maybe... his someone, his person was right in front of him now, and maybe she always had been...

"Deal Mill." Her hands cupped his cheek now and she felt a rush that she couldn't seem to stop now... Millie leaned down a slowly, slightly unsure, but her lips found his again and all the doubt melted away...

It's safe to say that a few years down the road Millie would be asked by the man she has always loved to marry on her 25th birthday and the two of them would be planning a June wedding for that same year...

Song: Invisible Things
By: Lauv

Author's Note: I know updates aren't very frequent with this book, but they usually will come when I get inspired by a song to write one, or when I have time to look for one.

Thx for reading! See you soon!💞

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