Nobody Compares to You

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Author's Note:
Age range may very with each chapter. I will try to specify ages at the beginning of each part. Most chapters will likely be in the twenties or younger. Thank you for reading! Please read Author's Note at end of chapter! <3

Music Notes
Age: early twenties

"Cause I took so much time to reset my life
but in just one look, I'm back
Forget that I could have anyone I like
but now all I remember is what we had."


Millie sat down again at the bar she and Sadie regularly went to on Friday nights after work. It was the most popular bar in the city of Los Angelos, always busy and over crowded.

Random strangers who came to get high or drunk after long weeks or a shitty day, who came to drown sorrows in such toxic ways, but never thought of the consequences a hangover would cause later.

Many came to celebrate happy times as well, but that was not the case for Millie and Sadie. They were angered with work as usual, and Millie was coming down from getting high earlier before she even walked into the bar tonight.

"Natalia can go fuck herself for all I care, she's such a bitch."

Millie waved the bartender over so her and Sadie could receive some shots.

"She's not that bad..." Sadie tried to defend her and Millie's boss, but the brunette was right. Natalia treated her workers like shit on a daily basis just because she was dating the one person that was higher up than her.

"You keep telling yourself that Sads, but you and I both know she treats everyone below her like shit. It's just a fact and you can't deny."

"Ok Mills, how about this... we just forget about work for tonight and for the weekend."

"I'll drink to that!" Millie raised one shot glass and Sadie clinked hers lightly against it before they let the rather strong alcohol burn against their throats.

"Let's make a bet!" Millie suddenly spoke.

"What's the bet?" Sadie was already nervous about what would come out of Millie's mouth next. The brunette always liked competition especially when she was drunk for some reason.

"Whoever drinks the most shots in ten seconds gets to pick one random guy in this bar for the other person to try and hook up with tonight, and bonus points if he has a girlfriend." Millie smirked.


"What Sadie? You know any guy will do anything you want him to when he's drunk out of his goddamn mind, even cheat. Remember I speak from experience..."

The redhead looked into Millie's brown eyes, and her thoughts were right... the hurt was still there, but only for a moment until she masked it quickly again with a smile.

Millie hadn't been on a date or even thought of trying to find another after the last guy broke her heart in a way Millie herself could not comprehend. All she stuck with now was the occasional drunk or sober hook up.

They were in this very bar when it happened, the one they had always gone to, but that night everything had gone to shit for the brunette.

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