You're the devil

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Iris woke up with soft headache. She streched herself and jumped on her swing.
"*sigh* Maybe I was a lil too much mad at Ruby about my mom. But still She is... Grr...!!!"
It knocked at her door.
"Who is there?"
"Good morning my Iris Virus!", warbled Frank and held a tablet with pancakes and orange juce in his hands.
"Aww Frank! Thanks!"
"A romantic breakfast just for us. Can I lay on your bossom and you feed me?" (Romantic isn't realy a romantic thing in their case 😉)
"Yeah well... " Iris looked out of her window. She saw Ruby with an invitation in her hand. This could only mean one thing: Ruby is about send an invitation to Iris's mom.
"WAAAAAHHH. Sorry Frank gotta go!"
Iris pushed her boyfriend out and dressed and ran outside.

"Woah, woah Ruby wait! What are you doin'n?"
"I'm sending a invitation to your mom! Where is the letter-bird?"
Iris was shocked and grabbed the invitation: "What?! Why??"
"Because! You need to get allong with your mommy! Hands, I'm inviting her so you wont get mad at her anymore."
Iris and Ruby pulled arround the latter.
"Ruby, you don't understand! I don't wanna see her!"
"But you have to!"
"I have to hate her!"
"No you don't!"
Ruby and Iris knocked on the floor.
"Ow my one! Huh?"
Iris saw Frank and Len's guitar and a dog leash and knew it wasn't good: There was a big sleeping three headed dog.
"Uh oh! Ruby, Ruby keep your voice low and follow me!", whispered Iris.
"What?! Oh haha! No! I'm not following to one of your smooth talk!"
Iris tried to cover Ruby's mouth but she pushed her: "I don't know what you up to but my intire bright side-feeling is goin'n down and you know what?!"
"SSSSSHHHHH Ruby please!"
"I'm listening to it this time and I'm putting my foot down!"
Ruby put her foot on a teddybear.
The three headed dog woke up.
"Uh oh!" Ruby tried to run away but the dog grabbed her and spun her arround.
Iris hid behind the giutar and sneaked away but she accidently played a note: "Play?"
"Hihi! Wuaaaaaaa!!!!!"
"Play, play, PLAY!!!"
The dog chased Iris and Ruby's foot was trapped in the dog leash so the dog pulled her arround.
"You losing the invitation, men! Then we can't put it in da trash!"
Iris ran and ran but the dog ran faster.
They ran into the gloom house and ran arround the kitchen
"Are you hungry?!! Look foot!!"
Iris pointed at Misery with a cake but the dog just wanted Iris.
They arrived the garage and hit some amps. Frank and Len knocked on the floor: "What the..."
Iris and Ruby jumped on a amp and it began to burn.
The dog got hit from a guitar and landed outside: "Play?"
The amp exploted and catapulted the girls in the air. The invitation got torn.
Ruby and Iris were about to crash down but they landed on a cloud.
"Phew, we're save!"
Soon the cloud broke up.
Ruby gave Iris a mad glance: "You're the devil!"

(I guess you could say: "What a part!"
Well that was a similar scene of the movie "Over the hedge"

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