Part 3: Logan's Preparations

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  "It is slightly...eccentric" Logan thought to himself as he looked at his newly sewn, rainbow necktie. He really didn't see the point in getting dressed up when nobody but Thomas would see them, but Patton had insisted and he didn't want to disappoint his partner.
  The tie was certainly the most colourful thing he wore, his regular black shirt, black trousers, black glasses and black shoes didn't exactly stand out. "At least I made an attempt" he thought to himself.
  He opened his wardrobe and glanced at the pictures inside it. No one knew this, but Logan was quite sentimental when it came to the other sides. The pictures were taped very neatly, he had used a ruler to perfect the measurements.
  There was a picture of him and Roman eating Crofters in the kitchen. There was a picture of Virgil wearing Logan's glasses. There was even a picture of  Remus making a sculpture of him out of trash and a picture of Deceit disguising himself as Logan. But his two favourite pictures were at the bottom. One was a picture of all the sides on Roman and Remus' birthday. What a crazy day that was. The other was a picture of him and Patton. Logan was looking at the camera in a state of shock. Patton had kissed him on the cheek as soon as the timer went down to one.
  "I have a sufficient amount of time before we gather" Logan thought to himself, "Maybe I'll look at these pictures for a few moments longer".

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