2 - Struggle with the door

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It was about 10:53 when you arrived at the pizzeria, the area looked desolate and deserted at night, with next to no one around. You decided that you would get out of your car and check around to see if you could find the guy you was talking to on the phone earlier, only to see that your car was the only car in the parking lot.

Feeling uneasy, you went back into your car and sat down and started checking the address to see if this was the right place that you was meant to go. While you were still typing the street name into your phone, you saw a pair of headlights pulling up next to your car, which then proceeded to park in that space.

The owner of the car had stepped out and a few seconds later you heard a knock to your left. Rolling down your window you heard a male voice, the one that you had heard earlier on in the day while on call, asking you a question. "Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?"

Looking at the man, you could see his curly hair poking out from a cap that said "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza", and kind eyes, which followed you as you opened your car door and slammed it shut, walking towards him in excitement, "Yes!" you had basically yelled at the man, "sorry, I didn't mean to shout, I'm just nervous to start the job, I'm (Y/N), you're Jeremy right?"

The man looked taken aback, surprised that anyone could be so happy to go to work, it took him a few seconds to respond, still, obviously, a little bit confused at your mood but he just assumed you were always this happy. "Oh how things are about to change," he had thought, his thoughts darkening, along with his aura.

Noticing his mood change and also the fact that he still hadn't answered you, you decided to wave your hand in front of his face to attempt to get his attention, which thankfully worked. "Sorry," he had sputtered, "yes I'm Jeremy, nice to meet you. Before you start I just thought I'd show you the ropes and around the building. You ready to go in?" A blush was growing on his face all the while he was speaking.

You smiled to yourself before you answered him with a "one second!" You dived back into your car to get your bag before proceeding to lock your car and approach the man, who had walked on ahead to what you had assumed was the entrance of the pizzeria.

He looked like he was opening the door so you stood there and watched him as he had put a key, which was attached to his belt though the lock and jingled it around to unlock the door.

Deciding to start a conversation to save the atmosphere from being awkward, you looked over at him and asked him how many years he had been working there, to which he looked over to where you were stood and answered "about three years," before turning back to struggle with the door.

Letting him concentrate on opening the door, you looked at the building in more detail. It was quite big for a family-owned restaurant, and the air around it smelled like oil and grease, wrinkling your nose a little, you turned to look at the front of the building that you was standing next to, the front looked really organised with cute little posters of the animatronics in plushie form with massive yellow letters surrounding them saying "Come Eat With Us!"

You heard a growl come from Jeremy and so you looked over to him. "Are you alright?" you had asked, to which you got an answer of "Yes, I'm okay, it's just this bloody door won't move!"

Walking closer to him, you asked him if he needed any help, he looked at you again and with a polite smile said, "I'll be okay, the door can just get jammed like this sometimes when it gets cold." Once he had said that, you realised how cold it was and had subconsciously started to shiver, chattering your teeth together and rubbing your arms to gain some body heat, internally cursing yourself for not bringing a coat.

Jeremy had once again looked over to you upon hearing the noise coming from your mouth and felt bad for making you stand in the cold for so long while he had tried to open the door.

Taking off his jacket he had handed it to you without any hesitation or words for that matter of fact, and simply gave you a smile and a tilt of the head that said: "Go on, put it on."

You gave him a smile and said "thank you," as you slid your arms through his jacket, embracing the warmth that emitted from the piece of clothing.

After a few more minutes of silence, while you carried on looking at the design of the building, Jeremy had finally managed to open the door. "Woo!" You laughed as you walked into the warm building, smiling at the boy as he turned on the lights.

"I'm so sorry for making you wait that long, the door is just really tricky to open sometimes. The management really need to get that looked at, seriously! I'm so sick of having to stand there for practically forever just to open a God-damned door!" You once again laughed as he finished yet another one of his rants.

"Anyway, you still need to put on your uniform, so go put this on while I power up the animatronics and put the on free-roaming mode, I'll meet you back here when your ready, the bathroom is down the hall and the first room to your left," he had told you, guiding you to the bathroom while also putting the uniform into your hands.

With a quick "thank you," you had walked into the room and turned on the lights. Finding the nearest stall, you proceeded to take off your clothes and replaced them with the uniform you was given by Jeremy.

Your uniform consisted of dark blue bottoms, a lighter blue button-up shirt with the Fazbear logo on it and a cute cap that was the same as what Jeremy was wearing when you had first met him.

Folding up the clothes you were wearing before, you put them in your bag, turned the light off and left the bathroom. You then headed back to the place Jeremy had said to meet him when you had finished getting changed.

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