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There were gunshots behind him. He sighed, and continued walking. 

A couple people screamed. Sirens wailed. 

But everyone knew what was happening. It was normal in this town. 

It was just another street fight between the Shepherds and the Grimleal. 

This was just another average day for the citizens of Ylisstol, a city in the middle of Plegia.

The man sighed, seeing the police had blocked the road to contain the fight. He was going to be late.

His boss was going to kill him… 


"You're late Robin," Gangrel sighed. 

"Streetfight," Robin replied, shrugging, "Sorry. Police closed the roads to contain it." 

"Damn Shepherds," he grumbled, "Always getting into fights." 

"The Shepherds aren't the only gang in town," Robin sighed, "The Grimleal are just as responsible." 

"Don't tell me you support those bastards," Gangrel dumped a stack of paper on Robin's desk, 

"Never said I did," the white haired man replied. He clicked his pen with a sigh and started writing. 

As Gangrel walked away, his coworker slid over. 


"I'm not going out with you Tharja." 

She scowled, "It wasn't about that. Do you think I'm obsessive?" 

He looked at her. 

"...Don't answer that." 

"What do you need?" Robin sighed. 

"Look at this," she gestured for him to come over. Tharja had pulled the local news report up. 

"Shepherds and Grimleal gone too far… targeting children?!"

"Yep," she muttered, nodding, "Doesn't sound right. Sure, a few members are hospitalized every now and then, but innocent people? Never, much less children." 

"What are you implying?" He frowned at her. 

The black haired woman looked around, and sighed, "We'll talk more at lunch." 

Robin nodded, going back to his work. 


The white haired man sighed, sipping his coffee. 

"Tough work?" Henry plopped down beside him, "Ouch." 

"Hello Henry," Robin sighed. 

"Hiya!" Henry laughed, "Hey, did you see that street fight earlier today? I heard some idiot group of kids got caught up in it!" 

"A street fight?" 

They looked up. A woman with short blue hair and a gold headband looked down at them. 

"Marth," Robin nodded, "Yeah, it happened this morning. Stupid thing made me late…" 

"I stayed to watch it," Henry shrugged. 

"And you see children were dragged into it?" 

"Yep, some idiot group of 10 year olds threw some rocks at both sides." 

"I see…" 

She hummed thoughtfully, before nodding, "Thank you for explaining." 

Marth walked away. 

A Force to be Reckoned With (FE:A Modern/Gang Chrobin AU)Where stories live. Discover now