"Well I should be asking you the same thing." I raised my eyebrows, his expression didn't change. Sometimes I feel I'm the only one with common sense in this relationship. I sighed.

"I'm not breaking up with you Robert." I said calmly. He sighed in relief and smiled at me and pecked me on the lips. He sat down next to me. I was still super annoyed but I just decided to deal with it. After Art was over I had lunch and then English and I was free to go. I was to lunch by myself ditching Robert before he could follow me. I turned the corner and saw Jayden and Brandon shove some dude in the girls bathroom, laughing. I prayed they wouldn't notice me. Jayden walked off. But not Brandon

"Hey Trina." Brandon called. Great. I turn towards my ex-boyfriend and my ex friend.

"What do you want?" I said.

"You." Brandon smirked. "I miss you Trina."

"If you haven't noticed I have a boyfriend." I said giving him a dirty look. He sucked his teeth. "You mean Robert, seriously Trina you don't need to be with that douche." He said.

"And who should I be with? You?" I said sarcastically. He smiled and said "Now you're getting it." I needed to get to lunch I tried to walk around them but Brandon blocked me.

"Brandon let me past." I said forcefully.

"Ok give me a kiss first." I shoved past him, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him.

"Get off me Brandon!" I kicked him hard in the shin. He yelped and I ran. I entered the lunch room out of breath.  I walked over to Angie and Nessa.

"Whoa girl." Nessa said as I sat down. "What happened to you?"

"Nothing." I said flatly. "I just ran into Brandon."

"What?!" Angie said.

"Let's not make a big deal out of this please." I said. I was hungry so I went up to the lunch line and got pizza and sat back down.

"Guys I don't know what to do about Robert. I'm just not feeling it anymore." I admitted.

They didn't say anything they were looking behind me. Oh crap. I turned around to see Robert looking at me with hurt clear on his face.

"Crap." I muttered looking down. This was going to be a long day.

The final bell rang and I was ready to go home I walked reluctantly to Robert's car which he was already sitting in. I got in and sighed. We sat in silence for a long time. 5 minutes later.

"Katrina." Robert said quietly. Oh no. let's just get this over with. "You don't love me do you."

"Robert, I'm sorry you're a nice guy and all but-"

"Save it. I get it Trina, you don't love me." He started the car and drove me home and left without a goodbye. I was sad yea Robert broke up with me. Well it's not so bad it's not like I was serious about him or anything. But he loved me and that comforted me because I had no family to love me just my mom and she was far from loving me. I walked up to the crappy apartment. When I got up to the door there was a note attached to it.

Eviction Notice.

My heart started to pound. It said if rent wasn't paid by the end of the week we'd be kicked out. Crap Crap CRAP! I shoved inside the room.

"Mom!" I walked into her bedroom. She was lying on the bed. "Mom!" I yelled again shaking her. Ugh she's passed out. I'm not surprised. I went into the kitchen and got ice cream out of the fridge and sat down on the couch wondering where the hell I am going to get $250 rent. My mom spent the money on booze and dope and I didn't have a job so we were screwed. Today is just not my day, my boyfriend dumps me, well that's my fault, and now I'm about to be homeless. My life sucks, while I was sitting down stuffing my face feeling sorry for myself my mom shuffled out of her room. She sat down next to me and lit a cigarette.

"When you get here?" she said. No 'hey honey' or 'how was your day'. But I was used to it; it would be nice if she showed she cared about me.

"About 30 minutes ago." I replied. I handed her the notice and she snorts and throws it on the table. I don't think she really read what it said.

"Mom. If you don't pay rent we'll be on the streets." I said bluntly. She narrowed her eyes and blew smoke out her mouth.

"Why do I have to pay rent huh? You live here too I don't see you working to pay." I couldn't believe what she was saying. I'd get a job but I had no experience and when I tried I was turned down.

"Wow mom. Your such a hypocrite. You tell me to get a job and do something but what do you do huh?" I yelled I was standing now. "You sit around here all day and get waste while I'm at school trying to get an education! Why don't you get off your ass and act like a mom instead of a crack head!" I exploded. My mom looked at me with wide eyes. I don't think I ever talked to her like that, but I don't regret it because she was acting like getting evicted was no big deal. She stood up and slapped me across my face.

"Don't you talk to me like that ever again!" she yelled. I thought it was best not to say anything I just got my purse and left. I wasn't sure where I was going, not far because I didn't have a car. Man I wish I had Robert he always comforted me when I cried. Now I had nobody. I walked around for a good while and when it got dark I went back home, ignoring my mom's snide comment and went into my room and called Nessa. No answer.

I tried Angie. She answered on the second ring.

"Hey Trina."

"Hey Angie, I had a fight with my mom."

"Oh how bad was it?"

"Very. I'd rather not go in detail but me and Robert broke up."

"What? Why?"

"I don't even remember I have a huge headache, I forgot I what I was going to say, I'll see you tomorrow Angie."

"Ok bye."

"Bye." I hung up and threw my phone on my bed. I laid down and fell asleep I dreamed about Robert.


To be continued......Rate Vote Comment!!

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