The shopkeeper went and took the bottles.

Shopkeeper: Madam looks like this r full

Avni: Fu...... full........ no........ actually......... can u take it

Shopkeeper: Madam we take everything but

Avni: What is the problem i want to sell this waste.......... u r not taking

Shopkeeper: No no madam. We will take

Avni: Ok.......... then from today this bottles r yours

Saying this Avni smiles and was about to go when the shopkeeper stopped her.

Shopkeeper: Madam wait.........

Avni: What happen

Shopkeeper: U came at a very good time. We r giving a offer now. Sell something and take something. U can take anything from here in exchange of this bottles

Avni just looked at the shopkeeper confused.

Avni: Can i take

Shopkeeper: Yes madam look around

Avni looked around and saw a soft toy which was torn and little dirty. She took it.

Avni: This

Avni took it and sat in the car.

Avni: Neil must have landed by now. I will call him

Avni dialed Neil's number but it was not reachable.

Avni: Maybe he is still in flight

Avni smiled at the soft toy and started the engine.

She stopped outside Khanna Company and came out from the car. She took the soft toy with her and went inside.

After sometime she entered his cabin and saw he was talking to someone on a earpiece standing near the large glass window. After ending the call he turned and saw her standing there.

Aditya: U r again here

Avni: Yes but.......... i came to show u this

Avni said holding the soft toy in her hands with a smile. While aditya looked at her confused and let out a sigh.

Aditya: Now what is this

Avni: Your gift

Aditya: Avni get out before i call security

Avni: Why do u always threaten me with this security thing. When u yourself is no less then RDX

Avni says suddenly and then bits her tongue between her teeth while aditya looks at her with widened eyes. But then it changes to a angry glare.

Avni: I......... i wanted to say

Just then dd entered the cabin after knocking and stood there silently.

Aditya: R u here to show your face

Dd: No. sorry sirji. I came to tell u the meeting will start in 5 minutes

Aditya: I am coming

Dd left and Aditya looked at Avni.

Aditya: U came to show me this

Avni: Yes

Aditya: U showed

Avni: Yes

Aditya: Now leave

Avni: Yes

Avni said and kept standing there and aditya let out a deep sigh trying to control his anger.

Aditya: Avni......... I said leave (shouts)

Avni then realised and ran out from his cabin.

While Aditya removed his blazer and rolled up his shirt sleeves frustrated.

While Avni was running outside she bumped into Prakash.

Avni: Sorry

Prakash: Avni what r u doing here n why r u running

Avni: Papa u............ i........... i actually........... i ............ papa can i talk to u for sometime


It was at night when Avni, Shewta and Prakash were having dinner. Just then doorbell rang and Shewta opened it.

Aditya entered and he was tired, he walked inside but then stopped and turned to Avni and glared. But this time Avni smiled looking at him.

Shewta: Aditya have dinner

Aditya: No mom

He said and left while Avni looked at the direction he went.


It was late at night. Aditya came out from the bathroom after changing into something comfortable. He opened his mini fridge and saw the fridge was empty. But there was the same soft toy. He picked it in his hand. He got confused.

Aditya: Where r all my bottles

Aditya stood there for sometime but then he recalled Avni coming to the office with the same soft toy. He now understood.

Aditya: this girl

Avni was sitting in a chair in the open yard she tried calling Neil but it was not reachable.

Avni: Why

Avni kept the phone in the side of the chair. That's when the soft toy fell in front of her on the ground. Avni picked it up confused and then turned to see Aditya standing there with a angry face glaring at her.


This was the twelfth chapter.

AVNEIL:  Guilty PleasureWhere stories live. Discover now