4- Bad Call, He Loves His Hammer

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Steve looks at me, confusion on his face "Did you understand any of that?" Steve then asks me.
"Most of it, I've read a lot of books in these past seventy years" I tell him as we stand on the bridge, waiting for them to locate Loki, who I learned had attacked one of the SHIELD bases, and had taken Barton, as well as this cube we are after.

"Ma'am, Captain" Coulson then comes over greeting us, "I was wondering if the Captain would mind doing me a favour in signing my collector cards, I mean, if it's not too much trouble." He then says to us.
"No, no it's fine" Steve tells him. 

"It's a vintage set

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"It's a vintage set. It took me a couple years to collect them all, along with the Artemis cards which Agent Harper graciously signed for me. Near mint, slight foxing around the edges" he explains when he's interrupted by an agent.

"We got a hit, a 67% match, wait cross match, 79%" the agent tells us.
"Location" Coulson asks as he goes over to the agent.
"Stuttgart, Germany, 28 Konigstrasse, he's not exactly hiding" the agent tells him.

"Captain, Artemis" we then hear Fury say and look over at him, "You're up" he tells us.
"Looks like we are going back to Germany" I say to Steve, "Where are our uniforms?" I then asks Fury.

"Coulson can show you" he says to us.
"Right this way Captain, Ma'am" Coulson says as we walk away and follow him off the bridge. We head down the corridor toward the specialized weapons area on the carrier. Coulson enters the passcode and we enter the room. "Captain your suit is in that case on the left, Agent Harper your suit is in the case on the right hand side. We will be waiting for you in the hanger, Agent Romanoff will have a jet running for you to join her on" Coulson tells us as he then walks away. Steve and I walk toward the cases that Coulson directed us to, and take a look at the suits and weapons inside.

"Just like old times" I smile at Steve as we take the suits out and get ourselves changed. I pull my newer suit on, and start to put arrows in my quiver, and clip on my bow, that Tony made for me, that stays small, until I press a button and it turns into a full bow. I pull the quiver over my shoulder and place the bow on my belt, along with some of my guns.

"You ready?" I hear Steve call out and I walk over to him, to see him back in his old suit, his shield attached to his arm.
"I missed seeing you in that" I smile at him as we head out of the room.
"Your outfit is different then I remember" he says to me.
"Had to adapt to the times, even my bow just does this now" I say as I take it out and show him.
"That's defiantly new" he remarks as we head to the hanger, and I spot Natasha waiting in a jet.

"You two ready to go?" she asks us as we board the jet.
"Yeah, get us as close as possible to Loki" I order her.
"Yes Ma'am" she says as she takes the pilot seat and starts the jet. Steve and I take a seat, and buckle ourselves in as the jet takes off. Natasha flies the quinjet towards the location that Loki had been spotted in.

Once we arrive we see, a group of citizens kneeling down as Loki is addressing them. We watch as an older man stands up against Loki, and that is our cue to join the fight. Steve and I jump out of the jet just in time as Steve protects the gentleman from Loki's sceptre blast and I shoot an arrow out Loki, and the combination of the deflected blast and my arrow knocks Loki to the ground.

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