I scurry off to Lucifer's room and knock on the door.

" it's open come in ".

" Ah , y,n its you. Today has been quite somthing hasn't , levi isnt usually like that as a high ranking demon he is harmless by nature.. so what brings you here "

" welll"

I hand him the vinyl record.

His eyes widen has he grabbed it

" Is this what I think it is ?!?"

His face softens and he hums an almost knowing noise.

" so this is why you made a pack with levi , do you know the history behind this disc"

" uhh not really ".

" this was composed by the first composer for the tsl sound track, he killed himself the last track he made was cut from the film and is now said to be cursed, as everyone who made this vinyl and owned it died ".

" I'll take this as payment for saving you..ill probably savor ever last note of it ... which means I wouldn't be able to leave my room tonight.. as you may not know we demons cant resist temptation... do not think this means you can go upstairs "

No sooner that night was I at the steps.

I climbed the stairs slowly, in Hope's I wouldn't make a sound. Flinching at the few steps that creaked.

Before I made it to the top I heard someone called out.

"Y,n finally ....no one can stop you know ".

I paused for a moment who ever is here knows who I am.

As I reached the top there was a large gate like door with a boy standing behind it .

The boys eyes lit up as he gripped the holes in the door.

" knew you could find me ".

" what ate you doing in there ".

I was concerned , as clealry lucifer was holding him here.

" well I certainly arent in here because I want to ".

Seems hes a bit shaped tounge.

" are you ....a demon "

He scrunched his face almost as if he ate some bad food.

" no even the thought of being one of them makes me sick , I was imprisoned long ago".

Hmm I dont if I should belive him. A human trapped long ago in the devildom, certainly would of been eaten or at least not in such good health.

" lucifer trapped me you have to help ".

I decided human or not I will help him .

"thank you there is no way either of us can open the door the magic is powerful, you will need the help of the 6 brothers. They wont just do but if you make pact "

" alright and that will open the door "

" yeah you alredy got mammon and levi so this should be easy "

" how do you know about that "

" Not impotant what is impotant is your the only one that can do this "

I made my way back down the steps and went to bed. Next morning I ran into lucifer.

" thank you y,n for the vinyl , I hate to say I stayed up all night and running on no sleep... you seen quite tired too you weren't up to Nything were you ".

" nah you're reading to in to it "

He leans towards me a stern look in his eyes

" well let me make my self clear... curiosity killed the cat ".

He strighten his back , back up and smiled .

Well I gulped ,noting to be careful I dont get cought.

Everything was normal that day. I got a few ddd text from the boys . Pretty normal stuff till later that night when mammaon texts me

Mammon: I'm hungry

Mammon: meet me in the kitchen

I didnt respond insted I just meet him in the kitchen ... they really like meeting there but food so I get it.

When I got there mammons head was already in the fridge.

" Hey"

He jumped banging his head in the fridge.

" iche... and be quite .... and be faster next time you didnt even respond ".

" okay mr complains alot what we eating".

He smiled and pulled out a pudding

" your gonna eat this and be my acoplice "

It read beelzebub eat and you die . I'm not bitch when it comes to eating things so I took it. Besides it seems like everything is cool as long as you blaim mammon .

" okay but if I die I'm taking you with me ".

As I ate it .. it seemd off I decided too look at the date two weeks expired. I spit what little was in my mouth into the container.

" gross two weeks exspired ".

Mammon just laughed at me and looked around for his snack .

Food god himself appears as he felt a disturbance in the pudding.

Beel didnt hastate to transform into his gluttonous form

" MAMMON you ate my pudding ".

I step back as mammon put his hands up in defence and back up.

" alright beel calm down "

I had no time to debate if u should say I ate as they began to fight and broke the kitchen.... and my room...

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