"Don't forget." She said, giving me a motherly pointed look.

It was now my turn to roll my eye as I fanned her off with a simple nod to tell her I wouldn't, I grabbed the railing of the hallway leading straight to the big red door as the guard spotted me and immediately fell in step with me. I had also agreed to be escorted to my cell, even though there wasn't much of a choice but I like to think I have say in what the fuck happens around here. I reached up but quickly dropped my hand when I found myself subconsciously going to touch my left cheek, dangerously close to my empty socket and a shiver of disgust rushed through me at the thought. How could I want Freddie to be okay with this when I wasn't even okay with touching my own face now. I crossed my arms over my chest and nearly turned my head completely just to look at the guard as he took up on my left side and guided me to the red door. 

I gave the nurse, Nurse Annie, a thanking nod that she returned before the guard, Mr. Johnson, held the door open for me and I stepped out slowly. It seemed to be perfect because my stomach growled at the smell of a heating burrito from the vending machine, I took the time to take a deep breath before looking in the direction of the VL Gang's table just as Freddie stood. His eyes widened at the sight of the guard and I standing there just as he slowly made his way to me, his eyes ran up and down my body slowly as if trying to figure out what was truly wrong with me. I blinked as I made eye contact with him and it was like a flush of energy rushed through me just as I took the chance to take him in as he gulped before moving a few steps closer. His eyes fell on the guard and his glare was well known, he was curious but didn't push the thought as I stepped closer to him and his eyes immediately fell back on me. 

"I'm good." I didn't wait for a reply from Mr. Johnson as I took a few steps to Freddie as he pulled me tight to his chest in a territorial manner, I heard Mr. Johnson snicker quietly.

I laid my head against Freddie's chest as he rubbed his hand down my back and I took another heavy breath because this was it, it was time to see what Freddie's reaction was going to be. I slowly snaked my hand along his bicep as I slowly lifted my head to meet his eyes now that he held me in his tight embrace, I searched his face as he stared at me, his eyes moved to linger on the bandage covering my empty socket. I knew he could tell the eyeball was missing because I could tell, it was slightly sagging and then bandage was slightly sinking in over the hole. I pursed my lips while I waited for to say something, to say anything that told me he was okay with the fact that I only had one eye.

"You're a cyclops." He smirked, making me glare at him with my good eye. "It's cute."

"You're an asshole." I replied, backing away from him and stepping away but he quickly pulled me back into his embrace with a low chuckle.

"I'm just joking, Barbie. You're still as cute as before, forreal." He said, giving me a sincere look as I searched his eyes for him to be joking, to make sure he wasn't trying to play a joke on me.

"Really?" I asked, my left eye watering as I quickly blinked the wetness away. "I probably look stupid." I whispered in embarrassment.

"No you don't, you look just as sexy as before, baby." He whispered back, leaning close to my lips as I licked mine eagerly at the thought of his against mine. 

As if reading my mind, Freddie leaned forward and gave me a gentle peck as I moaned against his lips before he pulled away and guided me over to the table of his buddies, I avoided their gazes as they stared at my face, as if they were in shock as well. I took my rightful seat as Freddie sat down and moved his cheese pizza from the vending machine over into my reach, it wasn't but one slice missing. I picked up one of the four slices and started to slowly nibble on it as Freddie quietly spoke with the person on the other side of him, it was Lloyd. I tuned everyone out as I slowly took little bits of my cheese pizza while searching my mind for the deepest thoughts, I had none at the moment. Instead I was simply staring in one space while slowly chewing at the mush in my mouth repeatedly, and it was the same mush from my first bite. I swallowed it as I looked up to someone making a loud yell near the cafeteria line, as did everyone else as my mouth fell open at the sight of the mayhem unfolding immediately. 

"Shit, not again!" Lloyd yelled as he rose to his feet and rushed toward the scenery of destruction.

"I told that bitch to leave me alone!" Someone yelled as I tried to get a good look but it was hard because Mickey was standing up and blocking my view.

From the looks of it, Mautrice was again causing ruckus as she always did because she loved drama, and her hairstyles. I didn't know much about Mautrice but I knew enough from Lloyd saying she was crazy, but he always brought the crazy out of her according to Mike. At the moment, Mautrice was gripping tightly to another inmate's ponytail as the inmate wildly swung in the attempts of striking Mautrice. Lloyd was trying to persuade Mautrice to release the person as the guards were already moving to step in and was threatening send Mautrice to solitary confinement if she didn't release the other inmate's ponytail. The guards backed off as a female guard grabbed her can of pepper spray in a threatening manner, I shook my head while covering my right eye in disdain, this was the life I was going to be living for a while. Lloyd managed to calm the female guard that held the pepper spray long enough and she lowered her weapon as Lloyd turned back to Mautrice.

"Baby, let her go!" Lloyd demanded, grabbing on to Mautrice, who shook her head. 

"No, fuck her!" Mautrice yelled angrily. "She said she topped you in the showers!" Oh, My, GOD!

I knew that everyone's attention was on Mautrice and the other inmate, who I didn't know, as the helpless inmate attempted to wiggle out of Mautrice's tight grip on his hair. The guy was barely five feet tall like Mautrice so they were almost equal opponents. A burly inmate rose to his feet and grabbed the other inmate that was being held hostage as Lloyd continued to try and talk calmly to Mautrice, trying to explain that the inmate didn't touch him. I guess the burly inmate that had gotten up from his seat to help break up the fight was dating the helpless inmate because soon the burly inmate and Lloyd were having a shouting match about respect. 

I cocked my head slightly as Lloyd pushed the burly inmate. "Back the fuck up, Renegade!"

"You fucking my girl?" The renegade guy asked as his gang rose up to their feet as if they were going to all jump on Lloyd.

I looked up as I felt air brush past me and soon I was the only one sitting at the table as all of VL Gang also came to match off with the Renegade Gang, what the hell have I gotten myself into? I rose to my feet and quickly came to Freddie's side as Renegade backed down at Freddie looming over him.

"You know how we handle this shit." Freddie said.

"Yeah." Renegade said with a glare, "Races start Friday... but you're gonna get touched before that." That wasn't a threat, that was a promise.

"Break it up or you're all going to the hole!" A guard yelled but it was rather useless because no one wanted to stand down. 

Freddie grabbed my hand tightly and backed us away before turning around and leading me toward the direction of the staircase, I looked up at Freddie as he watched Renegade closely from a distance. I squeezed his hand tightly as he gestured for me to go ahead of him while I slowly nodded before slowly trekking up to the cell, Mautrice and Lloyd were both behind me as I bit my lip and rubbed at the goosebumps on my arms. 

"You're always starting shit." Lloyd huffed. "But that's what I like about your little mean ass."

"Shut up, Lloyd, before you piss me off next." Mautrice warned angrily.

I glanced back the two as Lloyd wrapped his arm around Mautrice's waist and pulled him close, I then realized something that the Renegade dude had said. I grabbed the railing and paused at the top of the staircase as I turned to look at the two bickering at each other quietly with a hint of flirting before they stopped and looked at me questionably. 

"Hey, what did that guy mean by races start Friday?" I asked curiously.

"Freddie didn't tell you?" Lloyd asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Not yet, I haven't." Freddie said, causing Lloyd to look in his direction with alertness before going slack. 

"You're gonna get tired of sneaking up on people, Freddie, I warned you about that shit." Mautrice growled angrily, glaring at the ring leader.

"Shut up, Mautrice." Freddie dismissed Mautrice while going around him to come stand before me. "Come on, we need to talk."

This time, I didn't have the chance to reply as Freddie grabbed my hand and directly pulled me to the cell, I pray this isn't something bad. 

Prison Bait: Bryson: RecoveryWhere stories live. Discover now