Unexpected visit

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  3rd person 

   It was a peaceful night in the Reid- Winchester household. Rosalie and Spencer Reid were asleep in their room with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets playing faintly in the background. Their 2-week old baby girl, Angelina Reid, slept soundly in her powder pink and light grey room. Diana Reid, Spencer's mother, slept soundly in the guest room, whimpering now and again. There was a slight breeze from the air conditioning, hoping to cool the usually hot building. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary for the Reid's. Little did they know, there were soon to be some unexpected visitors, very soon.

??? POV

     "We don't even know if this is her apartment, c'mon Dean. This is stupid, there is such a thing as a front door you know?" "Shut up Sammy. This is the apartment we uncovered with that FBI website. C'mon, let's see if she lost her touch." I watched as Dean pried open the now unlocked the now open window. He put his foot in, making a crash ring out. He cursed as he got in quickly, I followed to see a flower pot that had held some Alstroemeria. There were some murmurs and Dean and I prepared ourselves for the worst while hoping for the best.

Rosalie Reid(Winchester) POV

        A loud crash rang through the house, snapping me awake and stirring Spence. I sat upright, listening for other noise indicating human life. I looked to my left on my bedside table to see that the alarm clock read 5:30 in the morning. Spence looked at me with bed head and sleepy eyes, "Do you want me to got check it out, baby?" I smiled at his offer, "No, it was probably just something falling in the living room. I'll pick whatever it is up and be back in a sec." "Okay baby, take the gun just in case though." "Okay Spence, go back to bed honey." He murmured what sounded like an, "I love you," before collapsing back down on the bed.

      I climbed out of bed and put on Spence's white button-up that had been on the floor. It reached about my mid-thigh, but I would be right back in bed. I should be fine. I snatched on my salt and holy water necklace, grabbed the loaded pistol that stayed on our dresser, a flashlight, and pulled open our slightly shut bedroom door. I clicked on the flashlight and placed the hand with my gun over the wrist that held the flashlight like I was supposed to. I crept down the cold and dark hallway, the lack of light made it impossible to see the pictures that lined our walls. I peered into the bathroom, closet, water heater, and Angel's room before finally looking towards the living room. I listened and heard a faint whispering. My eyes widened, thinking it was an enemy we had acquired with our job. 

       I pulled the hammer on my gun and moved from the shadows, immediately pointing my gun at the two men that stood in my living room. "FBI, put your hands where I can see them now!" The men raised their hands and the taller one began to speak, "God damn it, Dean! I told this wasn't a good idea!" "Shut up Sammy!" My eyes widened at the familiar voices. I raised my flashlight to the culprit's faces, there stood my older brothers. I undid the hammer on my gun before flicking on the switch. Light flooded the room and allowed me to see my older brothers better. I clicked off my flashlight and placed it down. "Sam? Dean?" They looked at me with a guilty face. I looked past them to see the flowers that Spence had given me a week ago for our 1 year wedding anniversary.

       "Damn it. I liked those flowers. Well hi! Didn't think to call, or use the front door, so I don't almost kill you!" Dean rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly before saying, "Surprise?" I rolled my eyes before Sam looked me up and down, "Nice choice of clothing." Not even being embarrassed I muttered a "Thanks."  I turned my head seeing that it was January 24th. Dean's birthday. I put my hands on my hips and smiled at the pair, "Well, everything else aside. Happy birthday old man. I bet you both haven't had a home-cooked meal in a while. How about I cook some breakfast. We can catch up." Dean and Sam smiled, Dean let out a "Hell yeah." I led them to the kitchen where they sat at the kitchen island. As I cooked they explained everything that had been going on since I had left. Making me feel bad for leaving them.

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