heart eyes for hrh

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"Baby, do you know where I left my blue tie? I can't seem to find it," he asked as he frantically shoved papers into his breifcase. "I'm already late to my meeting because someone didn't let me get out of bed on time," Henry said, glaring at Alex while he put on his coat.  Alex flipped to the other side of the bed, pulling the sheets with him. He responded "If I recall correctly you were the one that insisted on this method of waking me up. I would've been just fine with a vat of coffee." Henry put his knee up at the edge of the bed and reached over to alex, giggling into a kiss. Forcing himself to pull away he whispered "As if," and strutted out the door.
Alex laid in bed for the next hour. It didn't matter that he had a gazillion things to get done, it was worth his time to stare at the blank ceiling with heart eyes and think about how his boyfriend couldn't be any more perfect. Four years ago he would never have been able to imagine living in loft in Brooklyn with Henry. Henry, the asshole with the perfect soft curls. Henry, the absolute idiot with stunning blue eyes. Henry, the boy who Alex was going to ask to marry him.

A Red, White and Royal Blue fanfic :  two champagne fountains this time Where stories live. Discover now