Chapter 3: The Past and Future

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"I made us dinner. It's your favorite," She replied as she turned to the food. "Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce."

"Woah, really?" Claude said in amazement as he scurried over and saw the whole table. "This is a difficult dish to cook. How did you manage to make it?"

"Are you saying I'm not a good cook?" Byleth asked as Claude stayed silent. She laughed softly, shaking her head. "I am a bad cook, I know. I had some help from the kitchen staff."

"I thought the goddess provided a miracle," Claude replied as Byleth softly punched his arm. "Oh, ow, teach. That hurt my arm. Kiss it better?" They both snickered as they both sat down and began to eat the food. Once everything was eaten, the two sat in their chairs, smiles of content on their faces.

"Oh, my. That was wonderful," Byleth said with a happy sigh as Claude nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, my lady. This helped big time," Claude said as Byleth perked up. "I've been tired and stressed lately. I can imagine the same for you. I'm sorry I didn't have the time to do this for you. It really was nice of you."

"Funny enough, I remember you telling me that I had it harder. You just confirmed you've been busier than me," Byleth said with a smirk as Claude raised up an eyebrow. "Of course, that doesn't mean we can't help each other."

"What do you...What do you mean?" Claude asked as he saw Byleth getting out of her chair with elegance.

"We both have stress to release off of ourselves. So, let's aid each other, shall we?" She asked with a very interesting smile. So interesting that Claude's eyes went wide in surprise as his cheeks flushed.

"O-Okay!" Claude quickly said, a bit excited (and nervous), as he stood up and went to his fiancé. "You planned this, didn't you?"

"Of course I did. A carefully planned out dinner that involved a little something special for just the two of us," Byleth said as Claude pulled her close to him. His hands rested against his hips as her hands rested against his chest.

"Just so you know before we do this...I love you," Claude said with a smile.

"I love you too, Claude. Always," Byleth said, returning his smile with her own. Both of them closed their eyes, and as their faces inched closer to each other, their lips began to part before-

"Lady Byleth? Are you in there with his highness, Claude?" Seteth said from behind the door after the knocking stop. Claude sighed heavily as he rested his forehead against Byleth's shoulder.

"Why...Just, why," Claude whined as Byleth patted his cheek after he stood back straight. "Give us a moment, Seteth."

Once settled, Claude answered the door with Byleth by his side.

"I was hoping I find you both here. I know it is late, but I thought you may want to know this as it is very important," Seteth said as both Claude and Byleth gave him confused looks. "Do you recall those letters you had me send out a few days ago?"

"Yes. Did you get responses?" Byleth asked.

"Yes, however...Not in letter form," Seteth replied.

"What do you mean 'not in letter form?'" Claude asked.


It turned out that all their allies they sent letters to had arrived to the monastery instead of sending back notices. Claude and Byleth were surprised once they made it downstairs and into the main hall, seeing their allies springing up with excitement to see the pair. Even Lorenz and Marianne were there to greet them as well.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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