Chapter 2: Disbelief and Baked Sweets

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The sun was once again appearing over the horizon, the start of a new day. Lady Byleth was there already on the balcony, awake quite early as she watched it slowly come up to the sky. She smiled softly, appreciating the sun's return. Her fiancé (and the king), Claude, yawned and stretched as he came to meet her, standing by her side. He leaned against the stone railing, eyeing the professor shyly.

"So, I'm guessing this is what you would do every morning without me, huh?" Claude asked with a small smile as Byleth shook her head.

"Not every morning. That's exaggerating the moment here," She replied as Claude rolled his eyes with a subtle chuckle.

"You never cease to surprise me, teach. I guess you can't help it. You learned it from your fellow Golden Deer," Claude said as Byleth nudged him softly. "Oh, come on. You know I'm messing with you. After all-"

"You're dubbed the great schemer of Fódlan," Byleth finished for him, a blush spreading on his cheeks. "I should get ready for the day. I have lots to do before the day ends."

"You need a day off, my lady. As king, I decree that you get one day off each week, that day being your choosing each week," Claude said proudly as Byleth looked at him with a small smile.

"That would be lovely, but Rhea would have disapproved. The goddess worked hard for us, so we should work hard for her."

"Oh. Right. Damn, I forgot about that," Claude said, earning a questionable look from Byleth. "Kidding! I know your duty is important, but you should take it easy now and then. Overworking is just going to add stress onto your back."

"You may have a point," Byleth said with a small smile as she got close to him. "For a king, you sure do care about every little thing."

"Well, sure. However, not every little thing for every single person. That, my friend, belongs to you, and you alone. You're my everything," Claude stated, making Byleth blush slightly. A small knock was heard from the door, and Byleth started to walk toward it, but Claude held her hand.

"C-Claude, I have to answer that," She stuttered out before Claude pulled her close to him.

"Ah, let them wait. You need a day off, my lady. Please listen to your fiancé," Claude whined playfully as Byleth laughed. The knock was heard again as Claude groaned in protest. "Alright, fine, but I'm answering it. Not you." He let go of Byleth and walked to the door. He opened it and expected to find Seteth, but was surprised to find a knight instead.

"Oh, your highness! I didn't expect to find you here in Lady Byleth's room," the knight asked as Claude cleared his throat.

"Uh, yes. I was just...Waking her up! Always a heavy sleeper, I tell you," Claude replied with a strained laugh as he could feel Byleth's eyes staring at him for that comment.

"Oh. Well. Luckily, this information is for the both of you. Seteth told me to tell you both that both Sir Lorenz and Miss Marianne of House Gloucester have arrived here to the monastery and are recovering in the Infirmary."

"Infirmary? Wait, they're here?" Claude asked, surprised at the news. What had happened out there for them not to send a simple letter back with the information? "...We'll be right there."

Claude closed the door, some concern shadowing his face as Byleth approached him in curiosity. He looked at her with a face with sincerity, but also some distress.

"Claude? What's wrong?" She asked as Claude shook his head.

"We're needed in the Infirmary. Lorenz and Marianne are here."

"Wait, really? But why? They couldn't have just sent a letter?"

"That's what I thought, but it must be serious. Let's get dressed and greet them. Then, we'll talk about what to do next. Sound good?" Claude asked as Byleth nodded.

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