Old enemies

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They were in an old huge house somewhere in the vicinity of London. The sun was setting behind the dark clouds. The rain hit the tearing facade of the building. There was dark inside, the only light was coming from an old lamp standing on the dresser. The condition of this place resembled a house abandoned years ago. Faded walls, cobwebs and old cracked photographs took any life from this place. Most of windows was boarded up. Everything wasn't touched for many years, except of door.

Huge, old door made of wood, destroyed by time, were widely open. In the front of the building was a car. Old car from 60's. It was red Panther De Ville. Footprints coming from the car to house said that someone was inside. In fact somebody was in this creepy building. They were standing in the shadow, looking at the photo that was on dresser near old lamp. They were two old men. One of them was tall and very slim, wearing brown jacket, long brown trousers and black beret. Second one was small and really fat. He had black jacked and dark-green trousers. Their faces were covered by a shadow.

Tall man: 60 years-his voice was weak, it sounded tired- 60 years passed.

Fat man: Who would ever thought, we will come here again-his voice was deep but as weak and tired as his companion.

Tall man sterted to slowly walk around the room- They thought we are gone.

Fat man: They thought, that we failed.

Tall man: How wrong they all was?

Little, evil smile appeared on Fat Man's face, still covered in shadow.

Tall man: Maybe the time wasn't kind for us.

Fat man: Weakness of the old body came so fast.

Tall man: Too fast.

Fat man: But one thing gives us strength.

Tall man: One thing still keeps us alive.

Fat man: Thirst for revenge.

Tall man: The heat of anger did not weaken like muscles.

They both put their hands into their pockets and pulled out something. They both had a small bottle with strange substance. They had it from a box, which was delivered for them few days ago. There was a note with that bottles in the box. The note said-"Power"-and was sent from "DV". They drank it and felt like strength was coming bact to their bodies.

Tall man: Now we are almost ready-his voice became strong and loud.

Fat man: Yeah, now we need only one thing- his voice became as strong as his companion's voice.

Tall man: Rather one women.

Fat man came to dresser and took the photo which was there. This photo which they were looking at. He looked at it again and said- We need Cruella.

Tall man: Those dumb, dotted creatures will find out what means pain!

Fat man: From the beginning it was all about them!

Tall man: THEY WILL PAY!-with that he took an old bottle which was on the table and threw it into the wall causing a loud crack- Am I right Horace?

Horace(Fat man): You are Jasper.

Than they walked into the light and it was them. Horacy and Jasper, old helpers of Cruella but not completely. They were not the same two fools doing everything for money. It was a very dangerous, determined two people wanting revenge. For so many years of their lifes they lost all inhibitions.

Horace: She was right about them, they don't deserve pity.

Jasper: They deserve nothing else than death- he said that with the voice of psychopath.

Horace: Yeah, it's not a bussines anymore.

Jasper: This is a personal matter.

Horace saw an old newspaper about 101 dalmatians living in london in 60's.

Horace: New generation will suffer for their ancestors.

Jasper: They will regret that they were born.

Jasper came to window once again and looked through it. Horace was still looking on Cruella's photo.

Horace: We are coming.

The sun has almost set, its last rays have caused the sky above the panorama of London to become blood red. Dark clouds began to besiege the city and obscure any light.

Horace and Jasper left the house and went back to the car. Before entered, Jasper looked one again on London, where first lightening striked, and said: The storm began.

Hey, it was my first time to write in a way like that. It was something like introduce(or was supposed to be) I hope it made the right climate for history and I hope you enjoyed that :)
Moreover I hope there is no problem that Jasper and Horace are back. I just think that they are interesting characters and it would be interesting to use them in this story :)

De Vil may cry (101 Dalmatian Street)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن