♚ your bully ♚

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Giovanni Cadro


-My little bambola


Adrien Sahores

FACE CLAIMAdrien Sahores

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PERSONALITY Giovanni is your stereotype from a bully

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Giovanni is your stereotype from a bully. He's cruel and loves to push others down to bring himself higher. He doesn't like being talked back to and is quite violence when provoked. Actually, he's violent even when not provoked. He's not a nice person to be around and most people tend to stay away from him. He has this aura around him that screams to get away from him. He's a dark person and has a really sick sense of humour. Anything that most people would be disgusted by, he is a amused by.
Many things will amuse him, but most of them include someone being humiliated or hurt. He wouldn't call him a sadist, he is not, but he does like it when people fear him. It gives him a power rush.

Giovanni likes to be in the control of every situation. He hates being disrespected or disobeyed and will hurt those who do one of these things. He doesn't feel have real friends, he only has followers. He doesn't know how to form such an emotional bonds. Never truly caring about anyone. Even less loving anyone. Most people are afraid of him and he thrives of this. Fear is the best thing there is. Giovanni loves to be in the middle of the attention. He likes to have all eyes on him. He is known to sleep with multiple woman. He doesn't care about them, he doesn't care about anyone. He simply uses them to get what he wants, usually sex or drama. He will crush anyone who dares to challenge him or his authority. He has learned from a young age to take down those who would dare to talk down on him. He has a very low patience level and doesn't like to wait.

Giovanni's father was in the mafia, high up in the mafia. He was the son of a well known mafia leader and would soon become one himself. That was when he met Giovanni's mother. She was a sweet bartender that lived close by and they fell in love, it didn't take them long to marry. The father decided he didn't want this live for his wife and future child. So he moved away and quit the mafia, or at least he wanted to. When Giovanni was 7 his parents were shot by a rival gang. They were out, they weren't supposed to be the target, but somehow they were. The rival gang killed them in broad day light, Giovanni watching the horrifying dead with wide eyes. The 7 year old boy was deeply traumatised by the loose of how beloved parents.

Giovanna was taking under the wing of his uncle, his father's younger brother who had become mafia leader after his brother left ,and he raised him to become the next mafia leader. Giovanni's uncle wasn't a kind man and would often scream at the child, sometimes even hit him when he disappointed him. His uncle was a twisted man and he would share his ideas with Giovanni. He would tell him that they were better than woman, that they were stronger and that they should be in charge. Slowly Giovanni started to believe this and that is how he became this twisted person. His uncle manipulated him into becoming the monster he is. A man that is worthy of inheriting the lead. When he was 18 his uncle became sick and he never has recovered fully. Now Giovanni is the heir of the mafia and since his uncle is sick he will probably become the next leader very soon. Something he is waiting for.

Deeply obsessed with you

Scenario 1
You had left everyone behind to go to college. Not just one college but one of the best of the country. You almost couldn't believe you was accepted, this had been your dream since forever. Little did you know how horrible that college could be. Your first day was great, until you dropped your plate with food all over Giovanni, the most popular boy and the most feared bully. You didn't know that back then, well now you did.

Ever since that day Giovanni bullied you mercilessly. He scared everyone away who wanted to be friends with you, only one girl kept in touch and she was now your only friend. He tormented you till the point you didn't even had lunch in public spaces anymore, simply because you wanted to avoid Giovanni and his minions. There were times you liked boys but every time you showed interest in anyone you would be taunted about it and he would be beaten up by Giovanni's minions.

One day, two years after you have entered the college, you saw Giovanni leaning against your locker. That wasn't where you was looking at though, you was looking at his minions who were beating up this cute guy who sat behind you in some classes. You couldn't take it anymore, you knew he did this because of you and you was done. So you grabbed him by his arm and dragged him to an empty classroom.

You locked the door behind you and looked at him with tear strained face, you didn't even noticed that you had been crying. "I'm so done." You cried. "What do you even want from me? Why can't you leave me alone. Just leave me alone! I hate you. I hate you so much. I hope you get hit by a truck or something. I hope you will get hurt as much as your have hurt me." You screamed at him, knowing fully well you would probably regret this later. "You." His deep voice suddenly sounded. "What?" Confusing was clear in your voice. "You, I want you. All of you. And if you ever talk to me like that again you will regret it"

Scenario 2
Make up

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