2. AKA All the wrong questions.

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I roll my eyes. As if he doesn't know how I found him; he's well aware that I'm a PI. "I wouldn't even have needed my skills. I know this situation like the back of my hand; it was all focused around me. You didn't exactly make it difficult for me; following the same patterns. All I had to know was that you took her out for our anniversary meal, and then the overpriced lingerie ...it wasn't hard to match the pieces together."

With a widened smile he gave me a sarcastic looking round of applause. "Aren't you the little detective, GI Jane." He said with yet another demented chuckle. A dim silence spread across the room as I realise what I've concluded. Not only has Kilgrave murdered Hope and her parents, left her brother an orphan, but he raped her; just as he did me. He would have used a kinder version of the word, but unwilling sex is rape, there's no way around that. His smile fades as he longingly looks at me. He seems to be studying my face, scavenging for the slightest trace of emotion hinting at my feelings. I keep a steady blank expression, denying him access to my mind. "I can tell you're not enjoying this as much as I thought you would. I gave you a fresh case, one you've needed for a while as I know business has been slow. I've done all of this for you. Would it make you happier to know I never felt anything for her, she was merely a distraction for the pain you caused me. "

My stomach churning, I felt tears forming in my eyes. I took a slow deep gulp willing them away. I'm wasn't even crying out of sadness; the toll of being involved with Kilgrave is too much to carry. How dare he! How dare he ruthlessly murder and ruin lives, then say he did it out of love for me. I can feel the guilt manifest like tiny murderous butterflies in the pit of my stomach. Its a feeling I couldn't wish on anyone.

"You know what Jessica, I really don't understand you. Whenever I try to make an effort with you, you completely cut me off. You never thanked me for giving you back your old diary, for sending you clients when you needed them. I bought your childhood home, the place that holds some of your happiest memories, and completely restored it. Do you have any idea how much time, effort and money that took me? I didn't even control the previous owner, the decorators or the staff because I wanted to prove that my abilities do not define me."

"You murdered innocent people." I manage to stutter.

"Who? That milquetoast little man boy? I told you. He interrupted me whilst I was leaving you your present. He was irritating and –"

"Innocent!" I interrupt. "He was completely innocent - "

" - Until proven guilty! And that was done when he declared love for you." He what? I guess I always suspected something not quite right with him, not that it matters now. I ask Kilgrave why he left Ruben in my bed, just to buy myself some time. I'd thought that it was another way of torturing me, getting inside my head. My mind rushes back to the day I found him, or rather his lifeless corpse.

I'm lying on the right side of my bed. My head spinning along with the room around me. I'm drunk; that much is clear. All I want is to fall into my mattress and disappear forever. That's when I feel it. Something cold and wet absorbing into my vest, running up against my stomach. Blood. Ruben's blood. I dart upright, the room has stopped spinning and all is silent and unmoving, just like Rubens corpse. He lies there, mouth open in shock and eyes widened in horror. The open gnash around his neck is covered in dried blood, as is his shirt and the bed sheets around him.

I pull myself out of this trance. I can't fight through it, not again.

"I Killed Ruben instinctively yes, but left him for you to find as a gift. I thought you'd be glad to be without him. But I can tell you didn't like it, did you? Why...did he scare you? I thought my Jessica was made of steel."

I scoff at his attempt at humour in a time like this. It's in-humane, murdering, abusing the way he does, and none of it staining his conscience. I turn away, not bearing to look at him. "Enough of this, everything I've done for you, show a little gratitude. You say that I've messed up your life? Think about how you've affected mine. Leaving me to die, leaving me yearning for you. You wouldn't leave my thoughts. Every day without you was torture for me. Do you have any idea what you put me through? Everything I've done, all of it, was for you. I love you Jessica, and I'm trying to show you that."

"You deranged prick. You messed up my life! As far as I knew, everyone and anyone was a threat. I couldn't trust anybody. Every corner I turned could have been my last. For the last year I've been on edge. Witnessing apparent suicide after suicide knowing the truth. Every one of your 'gifts' gave me more pain and guilt. Saying you did out of love is a pitiful excuse, and even if you did, that doesn't make it right." I say, trying to get through to him. I can't understand why he thinks that I should appreciate all he has done for me, or even thank him for it. He's Insane. But I forget how well I know him, behind all that power there is no man, just a darkened empty sole. I remind myself of what I know, that God didn't do this, the devil did.

"I'll admit," He says with a gasp, moving himself closer to me. "That certainly doesn't sound ideal; we've both had rough time of it. But this is where it stops." He leans in and plants a kiss softly on my forehead. "We ruined each other's lives back then because we were fighting. Being against each other only brought us pain. And I know that when we come together once again all that will stop. Jessica, you've always a hero in my eyes, and you can save me. We can save each other now. Don't you see that were inevitable?" I sigh, in attempt of letting out the tension in my body and mind. "I promise you Jessica, The worst is over now." He places an arm around me and I try to wriggle my way out. He tightens his hold and starts shushing me, trying to get me to relax. "I want you to know, I forgive you ... for everything. I'll say it every day for as long as you need to hear it."

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