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You and Zach have been the best of friends ever since freshman years. Yes, the both of you were inseperable.

You both took the same courses, you were in the same class and so much more. You saw Zach as your best friend and your brother, but Zach saw you as something much more far from those.

Zach had fallen for his best friend.

Whenever he was around you, he'd feel all weird and tingly and feel like there were butterflies in his stomach. He'd feel nervous around you, but at the same time giddy. His heart would skip a beat and do all sorts of somersaults.

One day, one normal day, school had almost killed you with boredom. Zachary was nowhere to be found, and you both had plans after school. You were actually quite saddened by the fact that he must be with his guy friends too or something.

Or maybe he was with a girl he hadn't mentioned to you yet.

It sent a pang to your chest.

You actually hate to admit it, but you were now feeling quite jealous.

You had feelings for him.

You checked all of your favorite hangout spots in school but it was no use. You decided to go home and just binge watch your favorite K-Drama, but a person blocked the way to freedom. There wasn't much people around anymore, who could still be here at this time of the day?

"(Y/n)." the person said in a deep, baritone voice.

You looked up and saw Zach. He had his dorky smile on which you absolutely loved. You were absolutely confused on why the sudden entrance.

"Zach! I've been looking all over for you! Where were you? Did you not remember that we had plans after school?!" You asked. You kept on bombarding him questions and he tried explaining.

"Do you have this special someone now? Why didn't you tell me?!"

Zach went silent, and smiled. Instead, he just gently pulled you to where he was going.

"Hmm. I was planning to tell you right now." He turned to you and smiled. You were confused-- again-- but you had a feeling that this was gonna be bad. What if this girl was Catherine, one of the most popular and beautiful people in our campus?

Oh dear.

The two of you arrived at the school grounds, where the view of the sunset was just... amazing. He faced you, and held the both of your hands.

You felt a spark.

And there goes the butterflies again.

Now, it was Zach's turn to be nervous. No-- the both of you were nervous.

You both made eye contact, and laughed. "Zach... this is the most beautiful scene that I saw in my life.." Your voice drifted off as you took in the lovely sight. And with him by your side, it just made everything more perfect.

"(Y/n)... I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time now." He started. You encouraged him to go on.

"There's just this one girl in class that makes my heart skip a beat. It goes all giddy and does somersaults everytime I see her. She's just... perfect. I honestly really get nervous whenever I'm around her."

You gasped. "Is.. is this Cath that you're talking about?! OMG!" A small shriek was then followed after that. Zach nervously chuckled and let you face him.

His face was now inches from yours and his warm breath fanned your rosy cheeks.

"Actually, the girl that I'm talking about is my best friend that's here with me right now."

And that was when you felt like time stopped.

His warm, brown eyes stared into your soul, looking for an answer.

Not saying anything, you just tackled him into a hug and leaned on his shoulder.

"And you, mister, you just give me endless butterflies that I feel everytime I'm with you."


A/n: Yo yo yooo! First chapter up!

I hope you liked it! I haven't had much inspiration and I tried to find some, lol. Anywho, please don't forget to vote and leave your thoughts about this. I'd appreciate it!

I am opening requests for more imagines! Just DM me here or in my other social media accounts.

Instagram: moochii.san
Facebook: Jadelka Olivar

(I sadly don't have twitter lol :<)

Zachary Levi ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now