Despair Disease

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Lmfao I just read over this and I guess uh- here's my slow decent into madness folks!:

- [ ] Komaeda spreads the Despair disease to Hajime
- this can go two ways: one being the normie way, and the other being a smut fic. The normie way being: Hajime takes more initiative in helping Mikan take care of the sick. In this, instead of standing guard and checking up on Mikan from time to time with Kuzuryuu (like in the game), Hajime and Mikan take shifts while Kuzuryuu stands guard on his own. Hajime spends more time in Komaeda's room taking care of him, as he is the sickest of the bunch, and as Monobear states earlier in the chapter, it spreads quickly like the cold or the flu, and Hajime catches it like the idiot he is.
-This is the lewd version, (though it's light smut), idk know how to do storylines for indecency (smut) without a type of prompt to here: Hajime checks up on Komaeda, who, in a half-awake daze due to his disease, he fxking forces Hajime into a tongue kiss, and as this is merely a canon divergence so no consent ships, Hajime tries to push him off, somehow with difficulty????. Kuzuryuu walks in and helps Hajime up (did I mention Komaeda knocked him down to kiss his weak protagonist arse? If I didn't, then sorry, I think of and write these at like 4 am then post them the next day when my stupid ass remembers them) then ofc fxking Hajime gets sick and goes all 'fUcK yOU AlL tHIS iS bOrin' and goes all 'IzuruKamukuraIzuruKamukuraIzuruKamukuraIzuruKamukuraIzuruKamukuraIzuruKamukura' on their asses.

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