Barn Parties and Girls

Start from the beginning

"I suppose so," Charlotte shrugged. Making a collage of her experiences was what Charlotte was trying to portray. The bands weren't just ones she loves, she's met them all. The movies were her favorites that she's seen, and her friends and their letters are things that she relied on everyday.

"Why do you do that?" Jeremy sat on the corner of her bed and looked at her. Charlotte went behind her Japanese folding panel, decorated with dragons and flowers, to change quickly.

"Do what?"

"Put up this iron woman front? Why do you have to protect yourself?" Jeremy poked a tender place in Charlotte's heart and she winced. Happy that she didn't see him, she exchanged her work shirt for a Nickelback t-shirt and her black dress pants for a worn-in pair of jeans.

"It's better to have a secure stone wall than to have a picket fence." She said almost inaudibly. She heard Jeremy shift and hoped he wouldn't ask anymore questions.

"You need to let some people in, Charlie. I know you hate being alone, but that's what you do. Push people away so that you can be alone."

Charlotte felt her face get hot and she stayed behind the panel and squeezed her eyes shut. "I don't like to be hurt, Jer." If you only knew.

"I'm sure every other person in the world doesn't either," He retorted. Tired of the conversation, Charlotte ran her brush through her hair and put on her pair of Converse. Grabbing her jacket, Charlotte left without another word to her brother or her father. She didn't want to say anything.

I should've been born a mute. She thought, then decided better of it. People would just gawk at her, that's the last thing she wanted. Climbing onto the back of the four-wheeler, Charlotte waited for Jeremy and stared out into the woods. The wind had died down, the moon was clouded over and the stillness of the night surrounded her. Closing her eyes, Charlotte imagined herself as a black wolf running wild through the trees. Howling and free.

The sound of a slamming door and her brothers footsteps pulled her out of her reverie and back into the real life. Sighing she gripped the rack and enjoyed the short ride to Pete's house. Four wheelers, cars, and trucks were littered along the driveway, music pumped through someone's speakers, and teenagers laughed and shouted over the music.

Slowly getting off the four-wheeler, Charlotte followed behind Jeremy, giving him room to mingle with his friends. Soon he was lost in a crowd of rowdy country boys and Charlotte was to fend for herself. Leaning against a haybale she nursed a beer and watched everyone dance and chatter.

"Hi," A perky voice startled her and she turned to see someone she never met before. The girl had blue eyes with silver sparks, a dangerously alluring smile, and rusty colored hair that waved around her oval face.

"Uh...hi." Charlotte furrowed her brows and turned away.

"My name is Rylie," She said scooting closer.

"Charlie," Charlotte stared at her feet, her shoes now covered in mud and hay.

"You're the new girl, right? From Minnesota?"

"If you call four months of being at this hell-hole new, then yes."

Rylie giggled and nudged Charlotte's shoulder. "You've got a sense of humor."

"Yeah, I know."

Rylie sighed and kicked her feet in thought. "Listen, if you want to we can get out of here. The house is warmer than this place and it's quieter."

Charlotte looked at Rylie and furrowed her brows. "If you're trying to get some action, I'm a one-way street."

Rylie started laughing and smacked Charlotte's leg. "No silly! There's coffee up at the house and we can hang out with some of my friends. They're more inviting than these people anyway."

Charlotte looked around and pondered the idea. Warm house with coffee and silence, or freezing barn with too much noise and nasty beer. Making a decision Charlotte stood. "Alright, but if you try to make a move, I'll be obligated to give you forty-five percent power."

Rylie looked at her confused and Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Never mind."

The two girls made their way up to the house and Charlotte sent Jeremy a quick text message letting him know where she was and to not leave without her. Walking into the house, Charlotte followed suite in taking off her shoes and jaket and took her time following Rylie to the kitchen where three more people surrounded the kitchen table. All of them stopped and turned to look at her. Why hadn't she seen these people before? They must be home-schooled.

"Guys, this is Charlie," Rylie smiled and everyone stared at Charlotte. Already insecure, Charlotte folded her arms and gave a weak smile.

"Rylie why didn't you-" The velvet voice cut off as he looked at her. His silver eyes locked on hers and a frown pulled at his beautiful face. Charlotte froze and her mouth fell open.

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