Chapter 3

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The pain kept persisting. My parents hugged me even tighter. I growled and bit at my mother's shoulder while she was whispering sweet words in my ear. My dad kissed my head and said "Let it take you"

I was brought to reality when I hear my mate say my name "Evony?". I snap my head to look into his green eyes

"What's wrong?" I was surprised by that question but I then realized I had tears slipping down my cheeks
"Nothing. I'm fine"

"Are you sure? You started crying out of nowhere"
"Yeah. I'm ok. Enough about me. What's your name?"
"Blake Rune"
"Colton's son, isn't it?"

"How is he?" I ask remembering his peaceful spirit and this soothing smile he always wore.
Blake turns his head towards the forest and says calmly "He's in a better place right now"

"I'm so sorry to hear that. He was a wonderful man. Always by my father's side. Every time he came to visit he played with me"
"Really? He never mentioned Danton's daughter"
"I don't blame him... Anyway let's talk about something else. I don't like digging up the past"
"That makes two of us"

After a moment of silence I speak up again "So when are you going back to your pack?"
He sighs and answers with a demand "Tonight. And you are coming with me"

"You want me to come with you?" I ask shocked while Roselle, my inner wolf, gets excited
With a blank expression on, like the one he wore all our conversation he says "Yes"

"No" he turns his head in my direction when he heard that one word slip off my lips. With a darkened appearance he looks right into my eyes when he asks "Why not?"

I put my tea cup on the little table next to us and get up. I cross my arms and lean on a close tree. Now I was right in front of him instead of side my side

"I'm not going and that's my decision" I sternly say while Blake's anger was growing. He gets up and comes until he was right next to me. A few inches separating each other

He looked straight into my eyes "You didn't answer the question. Why not?"
"What don't you get? I'm not leaving"
"Evony this is the last time I'll ask. Why not?"

I roll my eyes and say the blunt truth "I'm not supposed to be near a pack"
"So you are a rogue?"
"Do you sense a bit of rogue smell on me?"
"Well you have your answer" I say moving away from him

"I don't understand why. I'm your mate"
"A mate should understand what the other wants" I retort
"Well a mate should be by the other one's side" he retorts back

"So what are you trying to get to?"
"I already told you my plan. I want you to come with me"
"And do what Blake?"
"Be my Luna"

My whole world stopped. Be a Luna? His Luna? What am I supposed to say to that
"I don't know what to say to that" I say looking down. Blake puts his hands on my shoulders and I feel tingles all over my body

"You just have to agree to come with me. I want to get to know you Ev, you're my mate. I've been waiting to meet you all my life and now that I have I'm not leaving without you"

"You won't stop until I come right?"He assures the idea I had with "I won't stop until you come"
"Alright then, but you are not allowed to tell people who I am"

"I can't say that you're my mate? Won't that be weird?"
"Not that. You can't tell your pack of who my father is"
"So how should I call you?"
"Evony Rena. Just that"

"Rena's your middle name?"
"Yup" I say nodding my head in approval
Blake says smiling for the first time "Cute name"
"Thanks. I didn't choose it" I leave into the house smirking

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