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Taylor's POV

We'd been back for almost a week now and I gotta say it's so nice to not be crammed in a bus with a bunch of other people. Don't get me wrong, the tour was amazing and completely life changing plus sharing a bed with Billie for the past few months has been my favourite part of all but damn I missed my house!
Billie has been super busy this week with post tour meetings and interviews so we haven't been able to spend much time together for a few days now which totally sucks but the time apart is probably good for us. We've been calling and texting and Snapchatting though which has been keeping us both at bay for now. I miss her like crazy though... 

Knowing I needed to distract myself before I go completely crazy I opted to change into some work out clothes and my sneakers.
"You going for a run?" I heard Brooke call out from the kitchen
"Hmm? Yeah! Wanna come?" I called back as I tied my hair up into a high pony tail before then making my way to the kitchen
"Hah! Fat chance!" She scoffed just as I entered through the archway to the kitchen
I rolled my eyes at her and grabbed an empty water bottle from the cabinet.
"You seen fin yet?" I asked casually as I filled the water bottle from the tap
"Not yet. He's gonna call tonight though so hopefully all the interviews and meetings will be over soon. I miss him" she replied with a hint of sadness in her voice
"I know. I miss Bil too" I added with a slight smile
"Hadn't noticed. You've only been moping around the house all week!" She shot back with a sad pouty face before erupting into laughter
"Hey! I have not been moping!" I slapped her arm chuckling back
"Babes you've been a mess! I mean this is honestly the first time since we got back that I've seen you get off that couch and not wearing a pair of sweats!" She teased
"Well you're one to talk! 'Omg why hasn't he called me back yet'" I mimicked Brooke's voice and stamped my foot dramatically
"Alright Alright truce. Just go on your damn run already sheesh" she rolled her eyes and sighed
"I'll be back later okay? Maybe we can watch a movie or something to keep us both distracted" I added as I grabbed my earbuds out of the drawer and shoved them into the pocket of my running shorts.
"Sounds good T. Be safe" she smiled before retreating into her bedroom where I heard the Netflix sound boot up from her Tv

I fixed my earbuds into my ears and hit play before pacing into a steady jog.
It was pretty nice out and the sky had an array of pink, purple and orange clouds as the sun had just started to set. I set on to jog toward the boardwalk near our neighbourhood, jogging in time with the music that began to flood through my ears

Wake up and smell the coffee
Is your cup half full or empty
When we talk you say it softly
But I love it when you're awfully quiet

The warm gentle breeze was calming as I jogged toward the water, the smell of salt water filling my lungs.

You see a piece of paper
Could it be a little greater
Show me what you could make her
You'll never know until you try it
You don't have to keep it quiet

I continued down the boardwalk before reaching the end and sat down on the edge, crossing my legs as I started to catch my breath. Soaking in my surroundings I watched the sun slowly move down in the horizon as the sky began to deepen with its oranges and purples.

And I know it makes you nervous
But I promise you it's worth it
To show Em' everything you kept inside
Don't hide

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and hit the home button lighting up my wallpaper of Billie.

Fuck this week apart has been way too long

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Fuck this week apart has been way too long.
I snapped a Snapchat of the ocean and sky and wrote Wish you were here beautiful across the photo before sending it to Billie. I returned my gaze to the horizon as I gave myself in to the sound of Billies angelic voice that was filling my ears

Don't hide
Too shy to say, but I hope you stay
Don't hide away
Come out and play
Billies POV

Meeting after interview after meeting! Holy fuck when does it end!?
I groaned for probably the millionth time as we sat down in the conference room for yet another meeting. Honesty by this point I have no idea what they're even talking about anymore. Luckily Finneas has been doing most of the talking for both mine and his part as he and our production management team dribbled on and on about marketing and something else that I wasn't really paying attention to.
I pulled out my phone and opened a Snapchat sent from Taylor, sighing as I now wished more than ever that I wasn't stuck sitting in this meeting.
Suddenly a text message from Finneas lit up at the top of my screen. I looked up towards fin who was sitting across from me at the conference table. His face was expressionless as he seemed to be completely laying attention to the meeting rather than texting me. Damn he's good. I turned my attention back down to my phone in my lap as I opened the message.

Brooke invited us over for a movie night tonight. You in?

Um like you even have to ask 😂

Haha I thought you'd say that 😂
We're probably gonna go as soon as this shit is done so be ready to go

But I want to get changed before we go over to T's. I look like a mess and I'm not letting her see me like this😣

Ugh fine 🙄 we'll go home for 10 minutes and that's it okay? I wanna see Brooke already

I gotchu bro

I put my phone away and tried my best to bring myself back into the meeting which really needs to hurry the fuck up and end already by the way. The minutes seemed to drag as I drummed my fingers impatiently on the table earning myself a sharp look from Finneas from across the table
I sighed heavily as I watched the clock in agony counting down the seconds.
Soon I'll get to see my baby girl

Hey guys! I'm super happy to see everyone still reading my story and hopefully still enjoying it!
Hope you're all having a wonderful night (or day depending on where you are in the world)

Don't forget to wash ya hands ❤️😉

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