settling in.. not

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as soon as the twins told me where my new place is and sent me off, telling me to find three girls called Anna-Belle, Annalisa and Aaliyah.  I asked a girl who was near the cottage of the scary twins who and where they where. the girl was wearing some fake angel wings.

the girl turned around. she seemed nice enough. she has white hair, brown eyes and an eye patch over one eye. she waved at me with a wing. wait.. what?

"H E L L O. I  A M  C Y N T I H A" the girl said. she clearly didn't speak English.

pic of Cynthia above^^^

"hello Cynthia. I am Nyx" I replied still a bit uneasy. if her wings where real.. Calypso's obviously a mermaid.. 

then my life just got stranger. I thought all the other magic folk had died of three years ago when the last fairy and magic princesses had run away.

"do you know where Anna-Bella, Aaliyah and Annalisa are?" i repeated

Cynthia silently pointed up then ran off. weird.

I looked up to see a bat, a girl that looked a lot like a ghost and a girl who was trying not to touch anything. the girls and the bat where all on the roof of the big cottage. the girl that didn't want to touch anything seemed to be sitting on a rock of some sort.

the girls jumped down and the bat flew after them. i realized that the ghost like girl really was a ghost. she looked familiar.. like I should remember her.. like i need to know her.. but i dont.

the ghost girl swallowed and straitened her shoulders at me. it looked like she might cry but was trying super hard not too.

the other girl landed on the ground super close to the cottage but she quickly jumped away.

the bat then flew down and halfway down started to grow. i blinked my eyes and there was a new girl standing right where the bat should've landed.

"hello Onyx" the ghost girl said. her voice was slithery, almost gooey.

"uhh, its Nyx" i automatically replied but the words turned sour as i said them. other than my dad, only one person knew that my name was actually Onyx. but.. she was dead. she had died years ago, when i was 5 years old.

the ghost girl just tilted her head at me as if to say 'no it is not'

"Ann?" I gasped. i realized that the ghost girl must be Annalisa, my sister that had died when i was 5. no wonder i didn't remember her! but.. she shouldn't be here. she is dead.

"you shouldn't be here anymore though" I gulped taking a small step back

Ann closed her eyes sharply as if she was remembering something painful. the former bat girl placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Ann's eyes shot open again and she looked around like she didn't remember where she was for a minute.

"I know" she replied softly to me. "this is Anna-Bella and Aaliyah" she added pointing to the bat girl then to the girl that seemed to never tough anything.

I nodded, all the words i wanted to say to Ann vanished.

I looked back at the cottage door to see that the twins and their animals where at the doorstep.

"Beware the darkness of children,

beware the stalker of darkness,

beware the children of power and fire,

beware one who is not what she seems.

something is coming to shake the earth,

something is coming to scorch the ground.

the mountains will fall beneath thunder and ice,

unless the lost city of life can be found." the twins chanted in sync, both with open eyes looking straight at me. the creepiest part, is not the words, but that the twins both had no eyes. just.. black. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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