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Mac walked slowly down the street. His mind was deep in thought. Several of his keeps tenants had suffered theft of grain, livestock, and farm tools recently. After quietly gathering their reports in addition to information that had been brought to him, he went to investigate in a town over a days ride away. He needed to discretely determine if the rumors of the sudden prosperity of the town of Halfton was of their own blessings or as a result of theft. He was headed to the tavern where he hoped to gain the information he sought without giving out his identity or intentions.

It had been a long ride and he felt the ache in his back and hips. He knew he would have to get a room for the night. Finally, he walked through the tavern door. He selected a table in the corner where he could discretely observe the whole room. He settled down into the chair and tucked his bag under the chair.

"Would ye like ale or food or both?" A young lad with an apron asked him.

"Just stew, bread, and water, thanks." Mac replied quietly.

Mac only had to wait a few minutes before the bowl of hot stew was brought out to him with a large bread roll precariously balanced on the rim of the bowl. He tore the bread into pieces and tossed them into the stew, stirring them in with the wooden spoon. He sipped the water, waiting for the stew to cool and looked around the room. A serving girl had entered the room and was cleaning a table. She was short and slightly plump with a halo of auburn red hair spilling out of the messy bun under her cap. Normally, Mac wouldn't have taken a second glance at a serving girl but her smile as conversed with patron caught his attention. Her smile was infectious and he almost smiled himself before shaking his head and turning his attention back to his food. His attention was jarred back to her when she knocked over a cup and it clattered across the table she was cleaning. She leaned over mopping up the water with a rag which gave Mac the perfect view of her ample breasts. They strained against her low cut blouse as she leaned further over the table.

He groaned to himself as his gaze lingered longer than it should have. She stood up and walked toward the kitchen. Her wide hips swayed seductively as she walked. What a temptation she was. He imagined she was soft in all the right places and closed his eyes picturing her hips and breasts again. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and reminded himself why he was here again.


Maurine sagged against the kitchen wall after setting the dirty dishes and rag down. After spilling a cup in the dining room, she looked up after cleaning just in time to see the man in the corner staring at her in the most heated way. It took everything she had to ignore him and walk away. She added an extra swing to her hips as she walked away hoping he was still watching. He was the most intense man she had ever encountered and she felt drawn to him in an unexplainable way. He had brown hair and a neatly trimmed beard. His eyes were blue like the ocean waves. His shoulders were broad and strong and everything about him oozed masculinity. She wanted to see him again but did not want to come across as foreword or having loose morals. She had fended off her share of men who thought of her as a common whore for working in the tavern. She was twenty-one and had rebuffed the only two men who ever asked for her hand.

She washed dishes lost in thought for some time until the cook abruptly spoke to her.

"Take this to Mr. Barnes's room. Room 10." The cook handed her a pitcher of steaming water and a fluffy towel.

Maurine walked up the stairs and knocked on the room door. She almost gasped when the door swung open revealing the bearded stranger. His blue eyes heated again as he slowly dragged his gaze sensually over her. Her heart began beating rapidly and she stuttered as she said "this is for you" and handed him the pitcher and towel. She turned and practically sprinted to the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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