Well, I guess I'll find out soon.

Your haki alarm went off full power in your head, and you jerked back just in time to dodge a huge axe swinging your way.


«Nice Observation, as I thought.»

You blinked, rifle already pointing at the imposing shadow in front of you, adrenalin pumping in your veins.

It took a second for you to recognise him.

You gotta be kidding me.

Diez Drake stood in the middle of the gallery, his weapon now lowered, but his piercing blue eyes fixed on you.

He was even taller than Kid.

Nobody moved for a few long moments, your fast breathing cutting the silence.

His gaze slowly descended on the gun.

«Are you going to shoot me?»

Your grip tightened over the rifle to prevent your fingers from trembling.

Yes, that would have been the smart thing to do. Then why couldn't you bring yourself to pull the trigger?

For fuck's sake, why, why does it have to be him?! What does he want from me?

You grit your teeth, biting down your tongue.

You didn't want to speak anymore in case he could recognise your voice.

Calm down, Y/n. We barely ever talked to each other, and it was a long time ago. It's very unlikely that he remembers me at all.

He didn't move.

«I'm sorry, but I must ask you to remove your mask.»

You felt your blood turning into ice.

...well, shit.

The air became so still you knew he was going to spring at you any second now.

I don't stand a chance against him.

I have to move first.

You darted aside with your maximum speed, firing your rifle at the same time.

You aimed at the arm holding the axe, but you had underestimated his own speed, or maybe his Observation.

He lashed out at the same time, dodging the bullet, and he was beside you in an instant, out of your range.

His words whistled in your ear.

«I'll just cut it down then.»

You spun on your feet and jumped back in an attempt to escape his field of action, but his axe was just too big.

You saw the blade flashing before you, right toward your face, and you shut your eyes with a desperate gasp.

Then your back hit something warm and solid, and the furious clang of blades clashing burst right in front of you.

You opened your eyes to see the scythe and the axe trembling against each other a few inches from your nose.

«Back off, Red Flag.» Killer growled from behind you.

Drake's gaze didn't falter.

«Massacre Soldier.»

The spasmodic tension suddenly left your body, and you abandoned your weight against the warm torso with a long breath.

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